Research methods in the master's thesis

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Research methods
Candidates of a scientific degree are not only engaged in conducting the most important studies that may affect our lives but also must correctly design them. To get the coveted master's degree, the features of which you can learn on our telegram channel, you can't do without writing such a complex and time-consuming work as a master's thesis. In our article today, we will consider such an important thing, without which not a single dissertation can do - methods of scientific research. Let's find out what it is, what are the methods and what to use in our work.

What is it and how to choose them?

When writing a master's work, it is necessary to use the appropriate methods and methodologies of scientific research. In this case, a separately selected method must necessarily correspond to the field of scientific knowledge within which the applicant writes his work in the form of a master's thesis. The dissertation methodology is a set of research methods that are used by the author when creating a dissertation. A competent approach to the choice of methodology will help to obtain the most adequate scientific results of the research of a future scientist. Since there are a lot of methods, in the abstract of the dissertation in the section "Methodological basis" the author indicates only the main methods that were used in the course of research. The main methods include:

Special: analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, analytical research, statistics, didactics, interpretation, comparative analysis, questionnaires, etc.

General scientific: experiment, analytics, foresight, synthesis, deduction, and induction, etc.Buy essay online here

Special research methods

The following examples can be cited as special research methods:

jurisprudence - formal-legal, comparative-legal, method of legal modeling, method of interpretation of legal norms, etc.;

economics - economic and mathematical modeling, marginal (marginal) analysis, functional analysis, statistical methods for the study of economic conditions, etc.;

psychology - a method of conversation, a questionnaire method, a method of psychological analysis of the process and products of activity, a biographical method, etc.

General scientific research methods

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General scientific research methods

Theoretical (from abstract to concrete).

Experimental (observation, comparative analysis, creation of optimal conditions for research). Moreover, observation underlies experimental studies. It is he who underlies all human senses. Comparison is used to establish the relationship of research objects with the real world. Modeling contributes to the construction of a natural/real model of the object of study.

Theoretical and empirical. The deductive method uses reasonable data for practical research of the object. Inductive based on the results of research and experiments form the theoretical basis for the deductive method. The analogy method is necessary for a comparative analysis of several objects, taking into account the available features. Abstraction acts as the mental exclusion of secondary concepts and signs, allowing you to focus on the main parameters that maximize the impact on the object.

All the methods used during the research for the master's thesis are described in the introduction along with the rationale for their choice. The author should state the expediency of using everyone who decided to indicate in the work. Writing a master's thesis is a huge work and stress for anyone, whether it is an applicant or an already established scientist. And if you absolutely no time or just do not want to spend precious time on paperwork and scribble, there is always someone who will hedge and take on all the unpleasant work - a student assistance service whose specialists cost nothing competently and by all standards on paper is your study. 

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