Part 11

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With his feet up, Lindsey lay on the couch, his eyes closed. He was humming a melody to himself, it wasn't a particular song, he didn't think he'd heard it from somewhere. Amber was on the floor, sitting on her heels, hunched over the coffee table, drawing. 

Lindsey's date with Stevie was over a week ago. They spoke on the phone, but they hadn't met up yet and he wanted to. He already missed her. Taking his phone out of his jeans' pocket, Lindsey decided to let Stevie know that.

'Thinking about you'

For a second, Lindsey thought about adding a kiss, but it was too early, despite how badly he would have liked to kiss her again. He'd be lying if he said that their kiss didn't stir something up in his heart.

Stevie tried to blow a strand of hair away from her face unsuccessfully. To kill time, she decided to bake cookies, then a pie, but Jade was set on cupcakes, just that she let her mother know that a little too late. Not that Stevie was going to say no.

Hearing her phone ping, Stevie brushed off her hands of flour on her apron. She grabbed her phone and a smile crossed her lips as soon as she saw, who had sent her a text.

'What are you thinking about me?'

Lindsey crossed his legs at the ankles and pondered his response. A part of him wanted to be cheeky, a part of him just wanted to be sincere and sweet.

'Thinking about how I've missed you. It's been well over a week since we saw each other last, you know'

Stevie's smile grew and her heartbeat slightly picked up pace. She missed him, too. She wanted to see him, too. Should she invite him over? It was a Saturday afternoon after all, neither of the two had work in the morning. Or was it too forward, maybe they weren't in the visiting each other's homes stage yet?

'What are you doing later tonight?'

Lindsey sat up swiftly. He didn't want to seem too eager with his response, so he waited for a minute or two, impatiently bouncing his knee. He wasn't sure, why he was acting like a stupid teenager, what he was waiting for exactly.

'Bringing a bottle of wine over to yours?'

Stevie giggled to herself, biting into her bottom lip as if trying to contain herself. She glanced at Jade, who thought she was being sneaky as she dipped a finger into the cupcake batter. Stevie didn't say anything.

'I don't think I have the time to prepare a meal for us, but I do have a lot of sweets.'

Yes. Her answer was yes. Lindsey checked his wristwatch, he'd need some time to get ready and he assumed that Stevie did, too. He'd also have to make Amber look like a beautiful little girl again, since she had a finger painting accident an hour ago.

'I bet non of them are as sweet as you.' 

Cheesy, absolutely cheesy, Lindsey knew that, but he couldn't resist. He quickly sent another message.

'We'll come around 7?'

Checking the time first, Stevie messaged him back.

'See you around 7.'

Putting her phone away, Stevie got up to her feet and went to look for Jade, who had already left the kitchen. Finding the girl in the living room, she ordered. "Bathroom!"

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