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After the break with her husband she had absolutely no need in a new relationship. So, that suggestion of that man was completely out of the blue and not true. No, she was happy single and she was going to be happy single for the rest of her life. No, she did not need someone new in her life. No, she had her daughter and her grandchildren and yes she was slowly warming up to her daughter's husband but not to his father. Those were the only people she now needed in her life. No one else. No, no she was fine just with her family. 

"You're sulking, Susanna."FP Sr. said as he walked inside the living room finding her on the couch as she just threw a glare at him. "You're putting your nose in someone else's bussiness."She said back, leaning back as if she was the most relaxed person that existed while in reality she was one nervous person and not really knowing why he had such an effect on her. "Make your bussiness less intresting than perhaps."He answered, taking a seat in the armchair before putting a bottle of beer to his lips. "You're..." "Mom, please, can we bury the axe?"Alice asked as she walked in the living room followed by FP. "Just one relaxing movie night, no?"She asked quick after it, looking at her mother with slightly puppy eyes as an arm slipped around her waist. "And dad, stop pushing her buttons."FP added, a short glance at his father before he took place on the couch. "Fine, I won't say anything else than."FP Sr. said, being now the one who was sulking as she couldn't help but feel a smirk forming on her lips at this slight victory she had. "For one night, we can."She said with a soft smile as she looked at her daughter.

For one night...


"So, done with all the crap of liking each other, Susanna."FP Sr. said, leaning on the kitchen counter as he watched her closely. Once their children went upstairs both of them stayed downstairs, not really knowing why but having the need to stay which they did. "What is it?"She asked with raised eyebrow, turning around on her heels. "I've got you figured out, you see."He said, pointing at her with an empty beer bottle in his hand. "While you were drunk?"She asked back as he just growled at that. "You're a stick in the mud."He hissed, making his way around the counter till he stood right in front of her, eyes down looking at her as she just looked back defiantly. "And you're a drunk asshole."She threw back, pulling the beer bottle out of his hand as she put it down on the counter. "You should get yourself together for your son."She added in a hiss. "I've got myself together quite good, Susanna. Do you?"He threw back with a raised eyebrow. "Pardon me, I have everything I need."She said quickly. "A family that I care about deeply and grandchildren that are angels."She summed up, rubbing over a none existing wrinkle in her shirt. "Now if you excuse me, I have better things to do."She added, turning around to leave to only feel how fingers wrapped around her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. "Quit the act, darling."He whispered, his eyes going down for a moment before meeting back her blue eyes. "You miss something in your life."He added. "I don't miss anything."She said straight away, pulling her wrist from his grip. "You miss love."He whispered, his eyes holding hers. "Don't be stupid."She muttered, looking away from him. 

"Admit it."

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