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Tia Dalma emerged from Mr. Pines mouth. Finn almost puked right on the floor. He felt woozy and passed out right in the hallway.

The next thing he knew, he was running down the hallway. He glanced at his phone to see where all the time went. The time was 10:11 A.M. on May the 7th. Finn did a double take. He was in the same clothes as earlier and on the exact same day. Maybe thinking it was a dream or something, Finn hurried to his class. When he was nearing his class, Maybeck ran yelling out of the class. Finn was starting to feel woozy again.

He stopped Maybeck and asked him what time it was.

Maybeck started at him and almost screamed, "There's a freakin mutated man in our class and you're worried about what time it is?!"

Maybeck sprinted down the hall and right out the door. Finn followed. Or at least he wanted to. Some strange force was holding him back. It forced him over to the water fountains to cower from the crazy mob. He tried to move. He couldn't move.

He could only move in the exact same way he had done before. The force pulled him slowly to the door. The force made him watch the grotesque transformation once again. He passed out.

When Finn awoke, he was running down the hall to his class. He glanced at his phone. The time was 10:11 A.M. on May the 7th. He felt like he was about to throw up. He was about to. He tried careening from his course but he couldn't do anything except watch the same stuff happen all over again.

Knowing the force could only keep him on the same path, and not stop him from talking, he started screaming. Nobody was listening. It was like he was in those old Twilight Zone tv shows. Maybeck ran down the hall yelling. Finn stopped him and told Maybeck to slap him.

"Are you crazy?! I'm not going to hit you!"

Maybeck sprinted down the hall. No help from Mr. Hero today.

Finn thought of something else. He held his breath so maybe he could pass out. Nothing happened. He could hold his breath forever and nothing would happen. He was locked in a time warp.

Finn went through the whole thing over and over again. It seemed like days, maybe even weeks. Then he tried something different. He said nothing. He thought nothing. He envisioned a pin prick of light in a sea of darkness. The light raced toward him like a train.

He went into all clear. The strange thing: he wasn't a part of his body. He was flying. He glanced around him. He was in a hospital room. The "real" him was strapped to a bed. His arm had tons of scars up and down them. He watched the gruesome plan unfold. When he reached the point of passing out in the time warp land, his real self was injected with a needle from a strange nurse with a Mickey Mouse hat on. The injection would do a number on his arm and make his veins turn bright as the sun.

His real self screamed in pain. His time warp self screamed. The DHI Finn screamed. The nurse, startled at the scream of DHI Finn passed out when she saw him. Apparently, the nurse was supposed to put in another needle. All the Finns started glowing brighter and brighter until the whole room was bright. Finn closed his eyes.

When Finn woke up, he glanced at his phone. It said 10:12 A.M. Finn started screaming for joy. In return to his cheers, came an overwhelming sound of shh. He glanced around. He was in Mr. Pine's class. The real Mr. Pine's class.

"Mr. Whitman! No yelling in the classroom! Three days detention!"

But Finn didn't care. He was back. After class, Finn checked his phone. Amanda said that she had broken her phone so she was texting from a friend's. Philby had texted that it was all cool with him that Willa kissed him. But, he said to not let it happen again.

Charlene texted she was out of the doctor and her ankle looks fine enough to take the cast off next week. Maybeck texted him right then:

Yo! Here the good news? Everything looks like it's for the better. Best day ever, right?

You have no idea. Finn typed back.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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