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It was a black , gloomy night . There was dead silence in the room which was covered around with the black curtains to prevent the sunlight to come in.Around the corner of the room she laid sleeping soundly at the bed. On a table , clothes were scattered and smoke from cigarettes had covered the room.
The alarm clock rang 6 30 a.m .
The time for her to get up for work. She hit it violently and laid straight on bed . She opened her eyes and looked towards the ceiling.She rolled over under the sheets with a cold face. She staired at the ceiling for a while . The silence inside her was louder.She then checked her phone , scrolled through and threw it. She stood up and sat on the edge of bed. Her face still was covered with cold expressions. She wore a frown on her face as if she was sick from the life she had.She walked towards the bathroom door and pushed it. She stood in front of mirror and caressed her face.She stood looking at her face in mirror. Her eyes were covered with darkcircles.She couldn't look at it anymore so she covered the mirror with the towel. Then, with same expressions, she turned the shower on and the water started to flow on her body smoothly.She closed her eyes and stood under it for a while. She dried herself and went back to room. She removed the curtains. The bright sunlight struck down her face . She felt uneasy with all the rays of light and closed it again.She went to dresser and slowly moved the comb in her hairs . She dressed up and then went to the bed. She knelt down to pull the suitcase under it. It was dusty . She removed it with her hands. There were diffrent masks piled over each other inside it.Happy, sad, angry all kinds.She took the one she always takes while going out; the brightest happiest one . She took it out and closed the suitcase. She stood for a while with her cold stone eyes with the mask in her hand. "There you go, the same one again." She said to herself. As usual, she always picked this mask . It was all automatic . She couldn't control it. She stood in front of the mirror and gently caressed the fingers on her face. She felt if she wanted to pierce her face into pieces.The feelings of disgust and shame were again there with her as unasked partner . She picked up the mask slowly stared at t and lifted it up to wear it.A bright light covered her scars of agony, pain and sorrow through her skin. She wore it. The mask embraced all her flaws and feelings she wanted to hide from others.She took a deep breath and stared at herself again in the mirror. It was different now. All the scars , darkness, coldness, pain was hidden behind the bright,shining face. She smiled for a moment. " Let's face the world now. Im ready . Let's show them again that i am the happiest and most cherishing person alive." The words didnt match her feelings but she said it. What could she do. We can cover up the pain behind a bright smile. Who wants to know the story . So doesn't matter. We have to suffer alone. Noone can make it better by their words. So it was better for her to mask the feelings and then face the world with a face which wasn't even hers . The mask she had to put on to look better , to be loved, to be praised, and to cherish.She had a light in her eyes which covered the darkness. She had the smile which hides the sorrows and the moaning. She went running down the stairs greeting her neighbours and headed to her work place. There , she was known as the enthusiastic, happiest and most cherishing person. She always gave everyone a ray of light. She spreaded joys with her words . She was known for always smiling. As it is said: Some times all we can to is to smile . Move on with our day, hold back tears and pretend to befine. She also wore a mask to hide her own face. At the end of the day , she returned home as always greeting people, smiling and putting a smike on others face. After all, it is worth it. She returned home and then snatched the mask from her face. She put the mask inside the suitcase . She sat besides the window, lighted up the cigarette and blew the smoke She was now herself.The cold and steady expressions returned back.The room became dark again just like her heart. THE END.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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