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"Baby," Ray lightly slapped Carmen's shoulder

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"Baby," Ray lightly slapped Carmen's shoulder. "We have to go get Davi, Kol, and Bekah."

"Nooo." Carmen whined and pulled Ray closer by his shirt.

"Remember this is for Jebekah." He said, gently prying her hands off her shirt. Carmen made an unintelligent noise and curled up under the blanket. Ray sighed and quietly padded to the kitchen where he began making the girls coffee. Well, Carmen's coffee, Jolene hated coffee, claimed it made her tired, and opted for hot chocolate. With the machine on and the water on the stove, Ray quietly walked towards Jo's room and peaked inside, there was all 5'4 of her under the blankets with just her black and dyed blue ends sticking out. He smiled softly and shout the door, then walked back to his room where is sleeping beauty was still sleeping. When the coffee and hot chocolate were done, he put Jo's into a thermos and popped it in the microwave, and poured Carmen's in a cup with a side of left of Macaroni and Cheese from the pervious night. He then made a running leap into his bed,  took Carmen and tossed her over his shoulder and carried her to the kitchen.

"I made breakfast." He declared with a smile.

"You made leftovers and coffee." Carmen sassed back taking a bite of food.

"Same difference in my opinion." Jolene said yawning. She sat on Carmen's lap and took a bite of the Mac and Cheese. "Mmm. Taste a week old."

"Better, it's two weeks old." Ray said flicking her hair. A slow smirk crossed Jo's face as she made a mad dash to the fruit snacks. Ray vamp sped in front of her. "'No! There's one left and it's mine!" He declared.

"Not if I get to it first!" Jo yelled trying to climb over him.

"Not a chance, Little Sister!" Ray grabbed her a vamp sped to her room, holding the door shut after dropping her off in there.

"You can't leave me in here, big oaf! Elijah said you can't lock me places anymore!" Jolene yelled banging on the door. Carmen laughed as she drank her coffee. She winced when she thought about Old Man McCreedy next door, he's going to throw a fit when the others arrive. She thought to herself.

"Alright, let's bounce." Ray said after successfully picking her up and walking to the door.

"Wait! I need to brush my teeth and shower, you barbarian!" Carmen protested.

And that pretty much sums up every morning in their apartment.


"They said they'd be here by now." Davina said checking her phone. "You don't think they'd stand us up, do you?" She added after a minute of panic.

"No, this is Carmen and Ray, Love, their just running a bit late." Rebekah soothed, sitting on Kol's suitcase. Kol pulled out his phone and dialed Ray's number.

"I think we went to the wrong airport." Was the first thing out of Ray's mouth when he answered.

"You put the wrong fucking address in the GPS, dumbass." Carmen was heard clearly making the two originals smile. They heard a brief Ramen argument before Carmen took the phone. "Well be there in twenty minutes. As long as these assholes learn how to drive! Move dude, yeah I'm talking to you!"

"Well then." Rebekah said with a slight laugh.



"Lijah, thank god." Jolene sighed in relief. "You are the father in this entire situation, congratulations you have like 17 kids. Anyway, Ray locked me in my bedroom, him and Carmen left, Rebekah won't answer my texts and calls, and the group chat won't text me back! It's my birthday for fucks sake!" She complained, and if Elijah was being honest, she sounded a little close to tears.

"Are you crying?" He asked, catching the attention of Hayley and Klaus.

"No...." She whined out wiping a persistent tear. Hayley walked up to Elijah and held out her hand for the phone.

"Jo, it's Hayley, here."

"Oh my God you're American." From hearing this, Klaus let out a little laugh.

"Why are you upset?" She asked picking up a frustrated Hope.

"I'm not."

"That's a load of crap." Klaus said into the phone.

"Shut up wolf boy. And I'm not upset."

"Well, here's something that will cheer you up. We all got you birthday gifts, even Hope."

"You remembered?" The shock in her voice made the three frown.

"Of course we did, is that why you were upset?"

"I'm not upset!" Klaus let out a sarcastic laugh. "Whatever! Lijah, tell your children to let me out!"

"Are you in the closet again?" Hayley asked as Klaus took Hope from her.

"Bitch, I'm gay!" They heard a brief bang before Jolene yelled. "That's right Mr. McCreedy! I'm gay! Deal with it old man!" There was a pause before Jolene went back to the phone. "I think he called the police. Dirty old rat."

"Are you okay now?" Elijah asked, repressing a laugh.

"Yeah, Carmen finally texted me back she's on her way back. I can kill her because she'll just come me back. We can't die. I should stab her."

"But it was Ray that locked you up." Hayley reminded her.

"Yeah, oooh food, but the easiest way to, thats nasty. When did this expire? Easiest way to get to someone is, last year? is by going after their loved ones. Remind me to clean my room, tomorrow."

"You're a mess." Hayley said with a laugh.

"You have no idea. How bad is it that I just ate year old cookies? I think that's mold." Jo gaged a bit. "I just ate mold. I'm breaking the door. You're going on speaker." A the phone made a soft thud as it hit the bed. A crash sounded seconds later

"Jolene, are you okay?" Elijah asked. A second passed with no response. "Jo?" Hayley asked a little bit concerned. Still no response, Klaus furrowed his eyebrows at the phone.

"Mother trucker dude that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick." Jo groaned and rubbed her head looking up. "Hey it worked though. Alright, alright, alright." Jo paused looking at her broken door. The moment was broken by the sounds of laughter on the other end of the phone. Jolene laughed slightly too. "I think I need a new door." This made Hayley and Jo laugh harder.

"What are we going to do with you?" Hayley questioned after calming down.

"Pay for a new door?" Elijah let out a surprised laugh. "I have a question."

"Which is, Jolene?" Elijah asked.

"Stay on the phone? Please?" Jo paused looking up at her picture wall. "It is my birthday."

"Of course." Hayley answered.

"I mean you don't have too, or you don't want too, Car and Ray should be home soon."

"We want too, Jo." Hayley confirmed again.



"Hold up, hold up." Jo laughed as she finished sweeping up the remains of her door, stopping as someone knocked on her door. "I think my neighbor called the cops on me." She giggled, on the other side of the phone, Hayley shared a smirk with Elijah. Klaus went to lay Hope down for her nap, Elijah settled for a book and Hayley and Jo did most of the talking. It amazed Elijah that Hayley and Jo managed to talk about absolutely nothing for the last 10 minuets. Jo opened the door and froze, the phone slipping from her fingers.


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