The Meeting #2

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After eating breakfast, you headed to your and Joe's class and sat down. You kept glancing over at him, but he never looked at you. On the contrary, it was almost like he tried to avoid eye-contact. It was obvious he was uncomfortable around you after what happened. If he told the boys about it? You blushed at the thought.

It wasn't long until class was over, yet it felt like forever. Female students would sometimes look at you or Joe and whisper to themselves. Another reason why you disliked this School. Girls were good at spreading rumors fast. You finally packed your things and headed outside and to your room to prepare yourself for tonight. You actually weren't allowed at the boys' dorm at night, but you didn't care. You sneaked out a lot in your old school.

You went through your stuff to search for something more comfortable to wear. No pants left...awesome. You should've packed more clothes before you came here. You sighed and eventually decided to just wear a hoodie with the skirt of your school-uniform. An oversized hoodie, of course. You also put on more comfortable shoes before finally sitting down and taking a look in the mirror.

You frowned at how short the skirt was and pulled at your hoodie, trying to cover as much skin as possible. For some reason you wanted to look good tonight. You were nervous but you didn't understand why. You'll be with the boys, shouldn't you be more comfortable now that you're Meeting with People you're used to?

You tried to get those thoughts out of your head as you packed everything you needed and went outside to the boys' dorm. You were glad that no girls were Walking around at the time since they would've told the principal. You were honestly afraid of the idea, not because you could get punished, but because the principal had a weird vibe to him. 

 As you reached their door, you paused, hearing voices. You held your ear against the wood, trying to figure out what they were saying. You knew that that was rude just couldn't help it. 

"HOW COULD YOU INVITE A GIRL TO OUR DORM WITHOUT ASKING US FIRST?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" "I'm *cough* sorry..." "Shut up Gakuto and clean! y/n is going to be here soon!"

That's when they heard a knock on their door. You heard some shuffling here and there, before everything went quiet and the door opened. Shingo stood in front of you, out of breath, yet grinning like an idiot. "H-hey, y/n..."

"Hey..." you smiled up at them "Can I come inside?" a glance behind Shingo revaled a cleaned room and two panting boys- Andre and Kiyoshi.

Shingo visibly swallowed, before grinning and going out of the way. "S-sure!" You went inside and greeted the two, before taking a look around. There wasn't much in here, a table, a bunk bed, and two mattresses.

When you went to sit on the bed behind you, you heard a surprised gasp. Instead of the bed, you were met with someone else's lap. You looked behind you to see who it was, and were met with a blushing and sweating Joe. you turned your body around, so that you were now facing Joe, but still stayed on his lap. 

"mm? OH, h-hey Joe!" You blushed, now being equally red. The boy didn't reply, he just sat there and stared at you, his hood still covering half of his face. You always wondered why he was wearing it all the time... Curiosity got the best of you, and you laid your hand on Joes cheek, leaning closer. Yet this little moment got quickly interrupted. 

"(Y/n), W-W-What a-are you d-doing??" You turned around and saw Kioshy visibly shaken, Andre staring at you two and Gakuto freaking out. You finally realized what was going on and quickly stood up from Joe's lap. "S-sorry I was just excited to see you guys again I-" you coughed awkwardly and scratched the back of your head.

'calm down! Geez....I'm acting like a little kid... Just... you're in a room with four boys. It's just a sleepover, nothing more. It'll be fine-'

"(Y/n)?" "I think she's spacing out" you snapped out of your thoughts and looked to where the voices came from. "Hey, (Y/n)? Are you alright? We are worried about you?"

"Worried?" You tilted your head as Kioshy looks at you with worried eyes. "You almost fell asleep on Joe when you entered, you're spacing out a lot" Andre continued.

"Maybe you should just go back to your room- Ouch!" Gakuto got interrupted by Joe elbowing him in the stomach.

"N-no guys. I'm fine. I'm just really tired, sorry." You smiled. "Well," Shingo layed a hand on your shoulder "We planned smth while you were gone and I'm sure you'll like it!"

"Pfff what did you guys do?" You grinned at Shingo, fully expecting that the guys did smth dumb. "Close your eyes~~~" the blonde's grin got wider.

"Heh, so you can kiss me?~" you added with a smirk, quickly stopping as the blonde's face got all red. You kept smiling but surprise was all written over your face "Damn, I didn't think that'll get you that flustered"

To not make the situation more akward than it already is, you  finally closed your eyes. "Alrighty, so what's the big surprise?" You heard shuffling and whispering, before you felt somebody touch your hand and lay smth hard inside.

You opened your eyes and saw... "HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" you blushed as a giant grin formed on your face. In your hand was the one part of your favorite manga that you still didn't have.

"Thank you guys so much!!!! This is awesome!!! Now I finally get to read the last part!!"

You saw the guys blushing and scratching their heads as the look to the ground rather shyly "Well, actually it was all Joe's Idea."

"Mmh? Joe?" You looked over to the shy male, who started to smile slightly and play with his shirt. "I saw that you didn't have this part yet when we met at your p-place" Joe swallowed as he thought of that time.

You didn't stop smiling and tackled Joe to the ground, hugging him. "Thank you so so so much!!" You said, pressing your head against his chest.

"I-its fine. I'm glad you like it." You sat up and backed away from him, now sitting in a circle with all the guys.

You had to yawn as you played with your skirt "Guys...I know I just came here you mind if I sleep already? You guys can stay up some more, I don't mind."

"Sure, but I don't think you should go back this la-" Kioshy looks at you confused as you lay yourself on Joe's mattress on the ground and cover yourself with the blanket "-te...."

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