Day 35

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My semester

This semester started on 10th February.
I got an injury on 11th February.
I stayed in bed for a week: minimal movements with a lot of pain.
I had a meeting for an up-coming job on 18th February.
I started attending university classes with absenteeism already.
I could go to the uni only - with help, but I got better and better every day.
I got a crush or... at least something similar.
The university closed in the middle of the day on 11th March.
I'm home again.

I applied to an international literary competition. My award is the publication of one of my poems by a journal. This is the first time my work will be published, apart from Wattpad.
It's new and exciting. Maybe, not so much of a big deal, though. But it's the beginning of something great. It's my childhood dream.

I've hidden things I am good at for so long, because I've had no courage, I wanted to be invisible. But life is so short and I want to create. Dance, paint, sing, write. Because it is not a bad thing if you are able to do such things. It is the best, because it helps one through a lot. 
In times like this, I found joy.

I've just realised that my "voluntary" quarantine started a lot earlier than it should have been, due to my health issue.
There is no doubt, I love being home, but this time I would like to run into the spring sunset and just hug people.
Our society is so vulnerable. We can't appreciate beauty around us until here comes a time when we have to prove what kind of human we are, as it should be every day. 

There is good in everything, even if we can't see it, somebody can. Somebody can notice the bright side of little things. I aspire to be one of those people.

Please, be kind to each other! 

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