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       This is a collection of stories. Majority of them would be sadistic and not normal to most people. This book is going to be fiction all round so rest assured, the self harms, deaths, mental trauma and the rest aren't with actual humans. I think. The reason I'm writing? Well, you see, I have a feeling that all these situations that happen in a flash in my head (like a divine revelation but its not. Probably my brain just reacting or something) are actually people's lives. It's like all their pain that I get a glimpse of. It sounds unbelievable, yes, but that's what I believe.

       This book strictly belongs to Bahira Kashim Atere, me. In writing, I refer to myself or my subconscious as A.R.T but I have many other stage names one is on the tittle. A.R.T means a random teen this is because out of 7 billion people and counting  I'm just a random teen. This short stories should not be used without permission from me. Even if a more experienced writer sees the stories and picks one or more that they would like to elaborate on, then permission still has to be taken from me, the original writer.

       The stories won't have a specific length or pattern but they will feel real and would make a lot of emotions spark in you. (I ain't saying the emotions are going to be good though). Hence the name of the book, A STORY IN A THOUSAND WORDS. Firstly won't be exactly a tjound words, it may be more or less. Secondly, all writes reserved. No name belongs to me but all characters do belong to me. Thirdly, the contents in this book isn't guaranteed to be all sunshine and roses. The book would show different characters in different places and times. Each character has their own personality.

        This book also cuts across race, gender, religion, culture, dressing and many more. The emotions in this book- well, they are unsafe but honest. So I believ this is the part I give a trigger warning or something. WARNING: TRIGGER; the contents up ahead is not for the weak but for those people who want to see the life of the people that live in my head. There would be death, Gore, suicide, blood, sexual abuse, harassment and many more. This book is purely off my imagination.

       The book would be detailed to some extent and each story would have deep meanings attached to them.  Now, before we begin, let me just say that in life, there is no good person or bad person. Everyone is just alive and based on instinct they decide what is right and wrong, also by religion and belief.

        The stories also contains questions from the mind of a 15 year old. Enjoy.

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