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Izuku was sitting on the couch in his mother's house, he was doomed like all other males, they were incapable of getting quirks. Apparently it was to much for his mother to handle, it wasn't until Izuku got stabbed in the arm that he realized he was in immediate danger. He saw his mother standing with knifes around her, ready to pierce his skin. Izuku wasn't taking any chances, he bolted out the door and to the forest. Inko chased him with the knives still surrounding her, but no one seemed to care. Izuku ran for miles until he was sure he had lost his mother. He was four, the age to gain a quirk, but there was no use in testing. He was male, inferior, weaklings who can't develop quirks. It was something he had always heard, it was always that men were given limited rights. To top it all off, feminists still existed, they kept pushing for males to be labeled as breeding stock. The thought made Izuku sick, him being treated like an animal, only good for reproduction. It made him so angry his blood boiled, his breaths became short and quick, and pieces of the ground started to float around him. Surprisingly, he had a quirk.

Where would he go though, no matter where he went, he'd always be seen as lesser. Izuku walked around the forest for a bit before stumbling upon a cave. The cave had weird drawings along the walls, some looked like foxes, or other animals, but one stood out more than any other one. It was a sketch of a boy using the earth to end a girl who had a potato head. Along the cracks in the cave, a sludge moved. That's right, Venom escaped annihilation. While Izuku was looking at the pictures, the sludge crawled closer. Eventually merging with Izuku, who never even realized it. He spent hours looking at the paintings. Only to see, nothing. The paintings disappeared before he could fully understand them. All Izuku could do was train, years of his life, he was told he was nothing. Only because he was a male, that alone made his blood boil, Venom also learned the ways of this universe. Izuku trained nonstop for years, and Venom actually had time to attach to this host. Meaning that their bond became one of great friends, everything Izuku went through, Venom did to. The symbiote has also seen Izuku's past, talk about messed up. He was almost sold as a slave the first day after his birth, what twisted monster would keep another human like a pet. This world was truly messed up, hopefully Izuku could make a change.

One day when Izuku was training, he might have been twenty, who really knows. He heard a rustle in the bushes and listened closely, that was when he heard, 'Is that a guy?' 'Looks like it, lets catch him.' 'What, why?' 'Duh, we can sell him, easy money, not like he can hurt us.' Izuku has had enough, and Venom was purely pissed. Venom wrapped around Izuku, and stone spears surrounded the girls. The girls were terrified, they had thought that they found a way to get some money, but they found the opposite. Pure anger, and a drive to end them. Izuku took the time to look at the girls, one had a bunch of knives, and the other had patches for skin, how pathetic. They couldn't say anything as they were stabbed with the spears, and dropped to the ground. No amount of money was worth risking their lives, but to be fair, they chose the wrong man to fight. Izuku went to his cave, taking a rest. No one even seemed to care if he was alive or not, so he was beyond dead to the world. Izuku actually fell asleep, nothing to strange, until halfway through when he heard, 'Oh wow, a man.' 'Didn't our textbooks say that that they all died out after that female virus.' 'OMG! We are seeing the only male left in the world!' 'Shame that their all useless, might just blow him up for fun.' Izuku pin pointed the voice and trapped the girls bottom half in rock. He sat up before saying, "I'm not useless, or asleep."

The girls looked at him before the mean girl broke the stone with an explosion. She was fuming and charged him, only to be backhanded into a tree, and that was without a power boost. The girl was out cold, and he looked at her friends, finally taking in their features. One had a ponytail, one had red hair, one had a round face, and the last had spiky blonde hair. He stared and stated, "Any last words?" As Venom surrounded him and he created stone spears. The redhead got in front and tried to block a spear with her body, while she did harden her skin, she was pushed into a tree and knocked out. The two remaining ones were terrified, and Izuku didn't show any sign of remorse. If they wanted to call him useless, he'd prove them wrong. Then ponytail shouted, "Wait!" A spear almost went straight through her head if he wasn't going to hear her out. She let out a sigh, and said, "We were sent to follow a group of two that went missing." Izuku chuckled and said, "If they want to take me in, they'll have to kill me. Those two tried to sell me, they had it coming." The girls decided to introduce themselves, "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, the two you knocked out are Ejira Kirishima, and Katsumi Bakugo." "I'm Ochako Uraraka! Nice to meet you!"

Izuku saw this as a nice change of pace, and said, "Well then, Izuku Midoriya. Can I ask about that one virus you were talking about?" The girls looked at each other and then Momo said, "Well, a scientist made a virus to cure cancer, but it was highly experimental. Instead of making what she intended to, she made a disease that turned anyone without a quirk into the opposite gender. So, all males turned female and gained a dormant quirk that didn't appear." Izuku seemed to think this over, a lot, and ended up asking, "When'd this happen?" This time Ochako spoke up, "Around fifteen years ago, for scale, I'm twenty. Not to mention I want to go to UA!" Izuku chuckled and then shivered, "Before you ask, good and bad memories."  Their friends got up and stared at Izuku with more shock than anything else. Katsumi was about to blast him, but Momo held her arm out and said, "He's okay, you just ticked him off." Izuku nodded and went back to laying down, before stating, "You should probably leave, I might see you at UA." Two of the girls were happy, the other two were confused. They left and told the group that the girls we're turned to ash, possibly fighting each other.

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