King of New York

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Summary: The reader is a muggle born who knows how to tap dance and sing. Draco, a prefect, sees you dancing.

Tags and Warning: Fluff

POV: 3rd Person

Author's Note: I was literally about to start tap dancing lessons soon but thanks to this quarantine, I was unable to even step inside the studio. I'm also huge theater trash and Newsies is one of my favorite musicals of all time but sadly this isn't a songfic. Please enjoy this chapter.

As Malfoy turns a corner, a voice got louder. He couldn't name the person but he was sure it was a student.
He walks towards the sound of their voice and heard.... Tapping? His curiosity grew as the sounds got louder.

"Look at me, I'm the king of New York!", you sing with glee as you damce on a wooden platform. Draco watches you, hiding behind a column. "So let's get drunk! But not with liquo-Malfoy?" You see him, his platinum hair standing out amongst the aged, grey stone walls. He sighs. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the hall." He says sternly but his mind was elsewhere. Seeing you dance and sing was incredible. "Sorry, Malfoy. I was just dancing and singing, it's been a long time since I've done so." You reply as you change your shoes and pick up the wooden platform and the speaker you brought with you from home. "Sorry if I disturbed you, Malfoy." You apologize, his face was visibly shocked. No mudblood treated him nicely before.

A few weeks has passed by and all he could think of was you, dancing and singing that time in the halls. He decided to roam around the halls again, hoping to see you once more.

It was 9 in the evening and a few students have started to retire to their dormitories. Meanwhile, the blonde Slytherin didn't stop looking for you. Did he scare you off? Why weren't you dancing in the halls again? He sat in silence in the halls by himself, that's when he heard the same clicking sound.

He stands up and runs toward that satisfying, crisp sound, hoping it was you, alone, dancing on your platform with your shiny shoes, singing along to a song that box was playing. He turns and finally spotted you, dancing and singing to a different song as you smile and sing. Draco couldn't help but smile at you as he gasps for air. "H-Hey." He greets, you stop and pause your music. "Oh, hello again, Malfoy." You say with a warm smile. You step off your thin platform with a crisp click sound echoing through the hall. "What brings you here?" You ask as you stare at him with your (E/C) eyes. "I heard you and just decided to watch you dance again." He says sheepishly. "Really? It seems like you chased me or something." You tease.

Draco was nervous, he was talking to a muggle born, what would his father say? He sucks in some air before talking. "When did you learn to dance?" He asks to avoid being awkward.

As he converse with you, he realized you, a muggle born, weren't that bad. You were more interesting than half of the purebloods he met. He knew a lot of things about you now, how you're involved in theater, you studied music a long time ago, and how you sprained your ankle but decided to perform in your recital either way. He was so drawn to you.

After a few weeks, he began seeing you secretly. He wasn't ready to tell others that he was friends with a muggle born.

Christmas break arrived and Draco was the only one left in his dormitory. He sat on his bed, anxiously waiting for your arrival. He has given you the password to their room so you could visit him when you know he's alone. Then he heard the door open and you entered. Draco smiled at you. "Hey, Merry Christmas." He greets as he pats a spot on his bed, inviting you to sit with him. You gladly sat next to him, talking and laughing just like what friends normally do. "Oh, I nearly forgot." You reach for something in your pocket. It was a box wrapped with dark green paper. "I got you something for Christmas." You say, handing him the box. He accepts and opens it. It was a silver ring in the shape of an eye with a green jewel in it. "Since you always want to see me dance, I decided to get you a little gag gift." You say with a toothy smile. He smiles. "I got you something too." He grabs something from his drawer. It was a wooden box with a G clef engraved on it. He hands it over and you open it, it starts to play a music box version of 'King of New York' from Newsies, the song he heard you sing during your first encounter. Your smile widens and you hug him as tight as you can without breaking the ribcage of the poor boy. "Thank you so much! Where did you get this?" You ask. "I made and charmed it myself. I don't know where they made custom music boxes so I tried to make it myself." He says as he continues to hug you.

You both sat their in silence, in each other's arms. "Hey, Draco?" You call out. "Hmm?" He hums. You look up at him, "Where... Where is this going?" You ask with a light blush from embarrassment.  Draco thought about it hut acted oblivious. "What do you mean?" He asks, "Well, are we... More than friends? You treat me differently from the other muggle borns- You know what, nevermind." You say dismissively as you pull away from his hug. He stares at you with annoyance. He wanted to hear it from you. "What were you going to say?" He asks, but you regused to spill. He sighs amd says, "Yes, I want to be more than just friends with you." He admits as he sighs in hesitance. You looked at him in shock. "A-Are you sure?" You ask, thinking that this could be just an evil plan to break your heart. He nods with a small, warm smile and pulls you in for a kiss.

You sat there, locked in his lips as you feel heat rush to your cheecks. He pulls away. "I thought that you were really talented, smart, gorgeous, and funny. There is no way I could lie to you about that." He confesses as your eyes start to fill with tears. "I-I love you, Draco." You sob out as he laughs and wipes away your tears, "I love you too, my dearest, (Y/N)."

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