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Before the dark I went to the palace of worship to Alex, as everyone does before the dark. Coming home I heard something I had never heard before. A sweet sound that entranced me. Some travelers that had come from a far away region of the land, carrying the things that made the sound, were set up in the great field.

They were a great many different things, indeed. There was a long, silver tube that one blew into to make a rather high pitched sound. There were other tubes there, too, each different. There were two black tubes, one was shorter and smaller around than the other. The smaller made a higher pitched sound than the larger, almost higher than the silver tube, and the larger made a more mellow sound.

There were gold tubes there. Most of these were coiled up for an unknown reason. The largest thing there was gold and made a very low sound. When they all made sound at once, the sound was breathtaking.

That's when I found I wished to make enchanting sounds from those marvelous things! When the light comes, I will go to these travelers and let them know of my desire to make sweet sounds!

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