Chapter I

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*this story escalates FAST, after this chapter it will fire up >:)

In a world where humanoid animals thrive and have adapted to livew amongst eachother where predators rely on entirely soy products for their diet to further put down their habit to pursue the need to obtain real, raw meat. However, this diet cannot prevent all events from taking place in regards to the safety of the prey. Predators have been recorded where their genetic connection to their predecessing ancestors and their rabid background overwhelm and take over their sanity; and therefore tackle and murder innocent prey. But, scientists have taken in the fact that these horrendous actions are decreasing throughout time, predators feeling less of a need to act upon these urges. But the question is begged, can these violent actions be omitted? Can predator and prey legitimately coexist without any fear among prey of impending death? The answer is unknown.

Well, not entirely.

Hidden from the public, government labs have determined a solution to these fears that eliminate instincts. They call this, the solution. Unfinished, and rather quite a boring and generic name; but it fits.

In conflict, this solution has not been released to be enacted to the general public due to the immense power it brings of completely washing away all instincts, defense mechanisms, and overall needed automatic actions that served as safety in the past. But government powers have determined that the average people should not be exposed to this product, for dangers could occur due to it being unfinished.

___ 🤍

Cherryton Academy has begun again following spring vacation. Legosi, very much neutral to the beginning of school and assignments, only really looked forward to drama club and the few times he felt it was ok to see Haru away from everyone.

At about 6am, he awoke for school as usual. And like usual, he got ready for school after taking a cold shower and grabbing his uniform to then exit his dorm.

"Legosi!" Jack hollered to catch up to Legosi's natural fast pace. "Wanna catch some breakfast at the cafeteria first?" He questioned.

"Hmm? Oh ok, sure." Legosi responder turning his direction to stride with Jack. They conversed over how each other's break went, both studied for any material; but other than that, nothing else occurred they had in common.

Legosi however, took time to build a stronger bond with Haru. He often would visit her garden and await her arrival to water her flowers daily. He enjoyed the sight. Her lovely aura she projected doing such a simple act. She emitted wife material. And Legosi preferred the wholesomeness from that entire fantasy. It made up for his anxiety and desire for her, his urge to unleash himself and please her; however danger could happen, and he couldn't bare the thought of ever hurting her.

"Oh, hey you!" Haru smiled each time she approached her garden to see Legosi strolling sheepishly around the blossoms. He would always turn around with an awkward stance and put on a geeky smile and genuine happiness to see her.

"H-hey! I missed you." Legosi would say.

"You just saw me yesterday." Haru replied looking at him smirking and eyes rolling.

Legosi would would have a small "Hehe," or "Yeah, but I don't do too much other than academics outside of school," as a reply.

Haru smiled as she went on her way to water her flowers and provide food. He'd watch and they'd talk the whole afternoon and always go eat together. It would alternate who determined where, and wherever it'd be when Haru chose; even if Legosi didn't like food there, he'd always be in complete bliss because of the person he was with.

And for awhile, this was perfect for him. And it went on his entire vacation.

But Legosi figured he should take the relationship up a notch, more intimacy and connection with each other was what he wanted. How to do this? He wasn't entirely sure, probably talking and discussing more personal matter, but he still couldn't face the fact that he could possibly be wanting a relationship that shouldn't happen; predator and prey together. Legosi brushed the thought away, and continued his daily activities and time spent with Haru.

ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕪 :Beastars Fanfic-smut / Legosi x HaruHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin