Chapter 31

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Shad POV

God my head hurts. Last thing I remember was these fools knocking me out with something. I tried getting up off this floor but my hands were bound behind my back. There was some kind of metal cuffs on my wrists. "Fuck," I said. 

"Shad?" the sounded like Malik.

"Malik? Man is that you?"

"Yeah, what the hell is going on?"

"Man I don't know. All I remember is playin ball and then some dudes playin us."

"What the fuck man?"

"Aye hush, I think I hear something." Above us you could hear footsteps.

"We seriously doing all this for one chick?" a voice said. "What the fuck is his deal with her like seriously?"

"Don't know don't care. As long as I get my money for all this Inspector Gadget shit. All the times her ass been alone we could've snatched her out her fuckin bed. He wanna do shit complicated and play fuckin cat and mouse games."

"But Kenny, at least you got back at that nigga Rashid for jumpin you."

"If only his ass died that night. There's always next time." They laughed.

"What the hell we supposed to do man?" Malik sounded scared.

"Toya's going to find us man. She ain't gon leave us hangin like this."

Rashid POV

"Toya you gotta calm down," she was starting to get on my last nerves.

"Don't tell me to calm down when my brother, best friend, and Malik is fuckin gone," she yelled. "I have every fuckin right to be eradicate right now."

"You need to calm the fuck down. I can't think with all this man."

"I'll calm down when I get my fuckin family back." Damn this girl is starting to piss me off. I'm tryin to fuckin help her but she won't shut the hell up. She knocked a lamp down off the night stand. 

"Stop fuckin up my shit man."

"Fuck you Rashid."

"Fuck man, you gettin on my damn nerves." I slammed the door and left her upstairs. I don't got time to babysit her attitude. I gotta find Shad, Malik, and Britt and it's crunch time. "Call everybody. I'm tired of this shit. All we know is he runs poker games. Fifty stacks for anybody who can give me usuable info on how to find him." Toya came down the stairs and walked outside without a word. She slammed the door. "I'll be back." This girl is going to make me hurt her. "Where the fuck are you going?"

"Home," she said getting into a cab. I kept her from closing the door. "Move Rashid. I ain't in the fuckin mood."

"I don't give a fuck. You need to calm down."

"Get the fuck out my face with this bull shit." I pulled her ass out the cab. "Don't put your fuckin hands on me." I backed up a little. I ain't tryin to get her even madder than she was.

"My bad ma okay? I ain't tryin to get you heated." She just stood back shaking. "I'll take you home once I'm done."

"No I'm going home now. I can't deal with this shit right now."

"Give me a kiss." She did and I hugged her. "You gotta trust me ma. I promise Imma find them and bring them home."

Toya POV

It's been a week and I'm a wreck. I spend all my free time crying. I don't even sleep anymore. I stay up all night worrying and waiting for any news about Britt or the boys. I walk into their room at least ten times a day expecting to see them laying down, watching TV, or playing the game. 

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