Chapter One

41 3 0

Update: edited 09/13/21

word count: 6900



Just passing by, oh yeah
I can see that you’re way different from other girls
I look back and luck will still find me


My phone vibrated as soon as someone's chateau's upper floors became visible above the trees. I ignored it as I tapped my hands to an imaginary beat on the steering wheel. My sports car swiftly drove through the middle of the forest, taking an old concrete road that leads to places outside Seoul. But I wasn't going there. Just on this border, was the Richman's village, still a part of Seoul. I wouldn't have to elaborate what kind of a village was it though, it's obvious enough with its name.

I came at a forked road so I took a turn left, proceeding to a road that was cleared of trees. And just up ahead was the village gates that stood high and almighty with its white columns, a gold plaque at the side where it's name was engraved.

The car entered and I lowered my window so the guard could see me. When he recognised my face, he nodded and looked away. I rolled my eyes and continued.

If you had seen the drama, "Sky Castle" where socialites lived in a rich village, you would have an idea what Richman's Village would look. Except that the houses -or should I say the mansions- here were much bigger and the designs were more like of the mansions of the Victorian era. Each house had its own design, not like those petty villages where houses looked alike.

I took my sunglasses off as I tried to spot Primrose Chateau. Yes, our houses had names, which I found weird in this modern era. Primrose Chateau was one of the properties of the Byun family. It's where my grandparents lived. Only them. Their children had long since built their own lives away from this place. And their grown grandchildren-including me-had their own lives too. But thrice a year, our clan would have a big gathering here. Today was the second time of this year.

And that's why I didn't memorize the way so well. Earlier, I even took wrong turns even with a GPS. And then, I didn't even know where that goddamn mansion was located.

I was so busy looking out of my window for the familiar roof of our chateau when suddenly someone screamed so loud. I was startled as I looked in front and immediately rammed on my breaks. I lurched forward as my car abruptly stopped, hitting my forehead on the steering wheel. I cussed as I touched my forehead and I cussed more when I felt a bump forming.

I looked up angrily as I stared at the person who just screamed. It's a she. And she was standing in front of my car, clutching her dear heart as she stared shock at me. And she's standing three fucking meters away.

Angrily, I opened my door and got out. I walked towards her, ready to lash out when she cut me to it.

"You could've gotten me killed!"

I gave her a look. Then I noticed her clothes. She was wearing an oversized hoodie over what I thought was a shirt and jogging pants. I looked around the neighborhood and she looked out of place. Surely, she's not a resident here. I surmised that she's younger than me. Then I noticed her hair. It was gathered in a messy bun and what made me notice it was the color. A redhead. As red as a strawberry. No scratches and no damage, of course, my car didn't even touch her.

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