August 2007

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August 2007

The weather that day was perfect for a summer wedding by the lake house.

I was sitting alone on the couch, watching the bride and her bridesmaids run around to make sure she was the most beautiful woman of the day. Indeed she was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen in all six years of my life. She looked like someone who came out of the stories my mom often read to me, about princes and princesses.

As I watched the bride walk down the aisle with her father, I couldn't help but notice the look on the groom's face. The smile on his lips spoke so much love, and the watering in his eyes showed anticipation.

And that was the moment it became my goal to also find the one for me. I wanted someone — someday — to look at me just like that when I, too, walk down the aisle.

That was also the day I first talked to Jaemin.

I didn't know anyone there, and I felt out of place when my mom told me to go play with the other kids who were all strangers to me. So instead, I sat in the corner watching them play among themselves until a boy my age touched my shoulder.

"Hello! What's your name?" the boy said with the brightest smile.


"I'm Jaemin! Do you wanna come play with us?" he said, and I pondered for a while.

I looked at him, then to the other kids, hesitating. I didn't even know any of them. But I didn't know how to refuse the boy.

"...Or, do you want to get chocolates with me on the fountain?" he offered. And that option sounded better to me, so I replied with a small nod.

As we walked, we started talking a lot. Well, he talked and I listened and gave short responses, because he was the more talkative one. I found out that he approached me because his mom told him to, because she saw that I was alone. It turned out that our families were friends with each other, but we never met because he was in a different school. He then told me that the bride was actually his sister, as he brought me over to say hi to her.

The patterns on her big white dress looked like it had snow on it, even though it wasn't even winter yet. It was magical, as if she really stepped out of a fairy-tale. She seemed nice, and she was so excited, and I thought to myself that I was gonna be like her one day.

All in all, it was easy to get comfortable talking with Jaemin because he was very friendly. I understood why it was so easy for people to like him.

And I, too, liked him. I liked him a whole lot.

And I think he liked me, too.

From then on, I knew we'd be seeing each other more. Naturally, like our parents, I thought we'd be very good friends. And that day at the lake house was just the start of our story.

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