September 2018

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September 2018


"What?" Jaemin asked Jeno who did a fist pump in the middle of the otherwise quiet cafeteria.

"Class is cancelled!" Jeno said, phone in hand, as he continued to celebrate.


"Not sure why, but the prof just emailed the class." Jeno beamed, showing his phone to Jaemin, to which Jaemin replied to with an eye roll.

"Well, you can go home early, I guess. Lucky you. I still have my art history elective after."

"Man, why'd you choose that class anyway," Jeno sighed, putting his phone face-down on the table so he could eat.

"'Cause I wanted to."

I looked at Jaemin beside me, and then to Jeno and Hyunjin across the table to see if they caught on his sour mood. They didn't and kept on eating, so I leaned in to whisper, "Something wrong?"

"Nah," he lied, paused a bit before continuing, "Do you think I can come to your place after class?"

"Sure, but my mom is visiting me for the weekend."

"That's cool. Been a while since I last saw your mom."

"Then alright," I agreed, knowing fully well that that was not the reason.

The four of us finished lunch, then Jeno left first to take a nap, and Hyunjin went to the library to pick up some readings. That left only me and Jaemin together.

"I'm gonna head back to do some homework," I said. "See you later?"

Jaemin thought for a while before replying.

"You know what? I don't really feel like going to art class anymore," he said.

I knew better than to argue, since it felt like he needed to take a break for a little while.

"Then we should head back now. My mom isn't there yet. But if you still want to come..." I replied, trailing off.

"Great. What would I do without you?"

The walk back to my apartment was quiet, and I knew Jaemin had something on his mind. I had an inkling of what it was, because he usually only got like this when there were problems in his home, but I didn't say anything. When we got there, he went straight to my room leaving me at the doorway as I took off my shoes.

He was on my bed when I came in, so I nagged at him jokingly. "Hey, you. Shoes off."

"Mm," he hummed, sitting up to do so, placing said shoes on the floor beside his bag, and lying back down. As I placed my own bag on the desk, he turned to face the wall and hugged a pillow of mine.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" I sighed, leaning on the edge of my table.

He mumbled something in response, muffled by the pillow he was stuffing his face into, and I couldn't understand it from across the room.

"I have no idea what you're saying," I said with a small laugh, hoping to lift the mood just a little bit.

He turned onto his back, now staring at the ceiling. With a sigh, he said clearly, "My sister and mom are fighting again."

Ah, again.

"Oh... How did you find out?"

"Mom called me earlier this morning and she just... sounded so tired. I asked why and she said she was just having a little trouble with sis again. But I know they've been at each other's throats."

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