Chapter 5 "misunderstandig"

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"The next day"

Ron and hermoine are in the hallway chatting about tomorrow's event
I walk pass them but hernoine caught me in the eye.. "Harry are you ok?.. you seemed a bit off".. "im fine hermoine.. im just gonna go somewhere peaceful for a bit" "Ok harry" then i walk away.. it was free time since everyone is getting ready for tomorrows event..


I walk to a near by tree and sit under it.. the wind is as cold as ice but.. not that cold.. the sun is out and.. all of the students are somewhere around the palace or something like that.... a few minutes later.. i felt tired... i can't stay here and sleep..  someone might think I'm dead or.. that or ugh.. I'm thinking to much.. but really... i want to take a nap.."... i didnt have the energy to stand because i was to tired.... suddenly.. i saw draco in the distance.... He walk towards me and ask "hey potter.. are you ok? look exhausted..".. "Im fi-fine".. i replied.. draco then sit beside me.. "Soo.. you ready for the match tomorrow?" Draco ask while fixing his robe.. "Mmm".... "Hey.. Malfoy".. "Mm?".."Can i use your right shoulder for a bit?" "O-Oh um.. sure" he blush.. .. i lean over and put my head in his right shoulder and i close my eyes.. then  all i know is just. I'm sleeping.. peacefully..

》Draco's POV 《

Its been a while since harry is in that position.. i didn't mind it at all.. its just.. weird.... I've liked him for 6 years... and.. we actually became friends.. I'm glad that.. we didn't fight anymore..... A few seconds later.. i pocked harry in the cheek.... wa-wait.. is he asleep?! So thats why he need to use my other shoulder.. he's such a dork.. then.. i heard some mumbling sound.... it looks like harry is saying something.. but.. i can't understand what he's saying... after trying to here what he's saying.. i can finally here one 4 words on what he's saying "I love you.. Dr-Draco"... i was shock... i didnt know what to say.. I'm speechless.. my face heated up.. its like I've eaten a spicy dish or some sort.... Then.. Granger saw the two of us.. then she walks towards us.... "Draco Malfoy what in merline sake did i just witness?!".. "I-Its not what you think.. i-i can explain"... (after i explain to her everything that happened she ask)  "is harry asleep?".. "Yes.. yes he is" "Can you carry him to the way to the griffindor common room.. no one is in the hallway right now.. i can't carry him.. and dont worry.. i'll make sure no one sees you".. "Ok.."

   Skip is brought to you by the lazy writer

(Still draco POV)

I then put harry to bed then as soon as i walk away.. something pulled my robe and eventually.. i ended up being beside of harry.. ..(• // ^ //•).... i want to escape him.. but then. He started kissing my neck which.. make me moan a little... After a minute of Torture that potter did to me.. he finally let me go.. i immediately run back to the slytherin's common room which is at the dungeon..... (Great. JUST GREAT).. i can't wait for tomorrows event.. i can't wait to win and . Slap potter in the face..

(In the Slytherins Common room)

Ahh finally i am back here.. its really quiet.. and.. not too noisy as always.... i then decided to went to the bathroom to check myself a bit...... I remove my robe and the rest of my top shirt (I do not know whats it called i am terribly sorry)... then.. i saw a lot of marks in the back my neck.. and there are some in the front too.. "I-I cant go out like this.. p-people will think im a slut or something".. i look around the restroom if there's any foundation that i can use to cover the marks and the hikeys.. i looked and looked . And finally.. i found some near the sink.... then i put some in my neck and at the back in my neck.... i just cant wait to kill potter tomorrow💢..


751 words GG i can not believe it.. oh and also.. this is the first time to get 4 stars and 33 views.. i hope you guys are enjoying reading my fanfiction stories and i am terribly sorry if its so cringy.. sorryyy anyways have a wonderful Saturday <3

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