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Percy limped through the rubble, Leo and Hazel shouting after him. He knew it was dangerous, he knew he should turn back, he knew it wouldn't do any good, but he just couldn't help himself.

His hands were raw and bloody, a giant gash was on his right thigh and probably infected by now, but he struggled on, determined to find her.

And find her he did.

Percy saw Annabeth at the edge of the cliff, her tanned arms spread at her side, her knees tucked up and resting by her waist. He hobbled as fast as he could and collapsed next to her.

He held her to him and rested his forehead against hers, sobs already racking his body.

"Hey Seaweed Brain," a breathy voice said.

Percy's head shot up and he looked just in time to see Annabeth's eyes flutter open, revealing her stormy grey eyes, their light already starting to fade.

"Annabeth," Percy choked out, clutching the sides of her face, "come on, we need to get you back to the ship before the cavern collapses!"

He tried to pull her up as gently as he could, but he couldn't. He had no more energy and fell back down.

Annabeth reached up, her fingertips grazing his cheek with a featherlight touch.

"Percy, no. It's okay."

"Annabeth, please, I need you, I can't let you die!" Percy was trying as hard as he could to keep the bubble of pain and guilt down.

Annabeth smiled faintly, "Shh Seaweed Brain, it's not your fault. I love you."

Her breath became laboured, and Percy watched the light leave her once breathtaking eyes before she shut them. For good.

The remnants of Percy's self-control left. He rocked back and forth, uncontrollable sobs echoing throughout the cavern. He looked down at his beautiful Annabeth, the soft, golden halo of baby hairs that framed her face, her rosy lips that were slightly parted, the light dusting of freckles you could only see when you were kissing close. Even the scars that were dotted around her angelic face. He loved the scars. He loved every part of her.

He thought his chest was going to explode because of the amount of pressure squeezing it.
She was gone. She was really gone and it was all his fault. No more wisecracks. No more bickering. No more witty quickfire comments. No more being completely outstanded by her brilliance, no matter how many times he saw it displayed. No more late night kisses. No more Annabeth. All those memories they should have made, that future they should have built, gone, just like that.

It was too much for Percy. He couldn't live in a world without Annabeth in it. He couldn't. Closing his bloodshot eyes he rested his forehead on hers, silent tears falling down his cheeks and landing on hers. His calloused, dirt caked fingers clutched her face and he kissed her forehead, "I love you Wise Girl. So so much. I'm sorry."

He picked up her bronze dagger and closed his eyes as he lay down beside her, holding it over his chest. As the blade hit his skin, faces of people he loved flashed before him.
His mom. The seven. Chiron. His dad. Annabeth. He felt all the pain that was trapped in his chest, suffocating him, escape out of the wound he had created as he slowly joined Annabeth in Elysium.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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