America x Reader Lost (ONE SHOT)

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First off I DON'T own any of the Hetalia Characters or You and no where do I say I do own them. The story is my idea, but I dont own any of the Characters. This is my very first one. Onword to the story

America's POV

*sigh* Another day going by and I still miss her." I thought.


"Hey (Name) you should try out for the schools talent show." said America. "What, if I do that those stupid snobby girls are going to make fun of me again." said (Name). "Dont worry all be your Hero hahahah!!!!!" said America laughing. "Oh....Alright."

*Day of Talent Show*

"And next singing is (Name)." said Mr.Parker

*This is a special song for my friend since he's birthday is coming up soon." said (Name)

*Starts Music*

Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

*End* (Name) POV

'I walked off stage and couldn't find my best friend and secert crush America. It was weird I didn't see him during my song' my thoughts were intruepted by my site. There standing in front of the lockers was America, kissing the head of those Snobby Girls that bullied me and what's worst is America new it too. I ran as far as I could I just had to get away.' Especially since this is like my last day here.

Americas POV

' Aww Man I'm so late to the Talent Show' I thought as I was running. " Hi America where are you headed?" asked Lilly. I stopped running and turned to her. "Hey, I'm headed to the talent show to watch (Name)." " Honsetly America I don't see why you hang out with her she's just an ugly girl with no personality you should hang out with me." said Lilly. " What, why would I do tha- mpfhmfhf. I was cut off when Lilly kissed me and then after 5 mins i finally got her away 'man she was strong' I turned and saw (Name) running away and all I thought was 'Oh crap' and started running after her.

*Normal POV*

(NAME)!!!! Where are you!!! yelled America. "Keseseseses, America? what are you doing out here in the rain. Oh and hey I video taped the Talent Show for you since you called saying you may be late." said Prussia leaning up against the wall with Spain and France. " Si, we taped it....¿Estás bien, te ves molesto (1.)

"Have you seen (Name) anywhere?" asked America. "Ouais, elle a couru vers sa maison, elle semblait bouleversée. (2.) said France. "Dude your lucky I took French class or else I wouldn't know what you were saying, but thanks bye" said America. "Wait, listen did you here the rumor going around?" asked Spain. "No" said America. " Oh well it's about (Name) she's moving, we over heard it from some teachers." said Spain " What!!! I got to go!" yelled America running towards (Name's) house.

(Name) POV

'Well I was going to tell America how I felt after the talent show after singing his favorite song but now I don't want to speak with him. To make matters worst my Dad got a job in Japan so I'm moving' I thought while I was tearing up and sitting on my bed. *KNOCK KNOCK*

'Who could that be, my parents aren't home so it can't be someone there waiting for' I thought as I got up to answer it. *opens door* "(Name)!!! I'm so sorry I didn't see you sing and that you saw me and Lilly kiss." said America. I stood there not wanting to talk so I slammed the door in his face.

Americas POV

"(Name) I'm so sorry it was a misunderstanding." I said as I slid down the close door with tears forming in my eyes. " America, my Dad got a job in Japan and I have to move I'm sorry,but when you were kissing Lilly it may me realize that since I'm moving we can't be together so date Lily and just forget about me." I heard (Name) say through the door. I got up and walked back to my house to heart broken to move. *Time Skip to 1 week later* (Still Americas POV)

'Prussia emailed me the talent show video and I was crying when I notice (Name) singing my favorite song and even worst that I wasn't there to see it, (Name) left yesterday to Japan and I wish she was here. I call her and leave voicemails, but I lost her and I still didn't get to say I like her too.

*End of Flashback*

'Its not the same since she left but I won't give up, I'll save enough money and visit Japan and see (Name) and tell her I love her, I just have to wait and save money to find the girl I lost.

The End

Google Translate

(1.) Are you okay, you look upset?

(2.) Yeah she ran back to her house, she seemed upset.

Again I don't own Hetalia or you. This was my very first one I know there mistakes, I just wanted to try and see what I could do I promise I will try and improve the mistakes and work better at other ones.

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