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~~This is just the introduction of the thing that includes the main AUs that'll be in this book~~

Hey thanks for choosing this book! I know you arent here to read me ramble on abt all this so let's cut straight to the point!

AUs that'll be in this book:(until I make new ones)

Possessed -Skeppy & friends go on vacation but demons decide to ruin their lives and possess A6d, Spifey, Technoblade, and Dream. It's up to Skeppy, Badboyhalo, Zelkam, and F1nn to stop the evil. Oh yeah and skeppy loses his memory (if you want more detail you can find it on my YT channel)

Specimen -Skeppy is a scientist along with Spifey and Tapl, skeppy secretly creates new species more powerful than humans(he only made two specimens, bad and a6d) so now he gotta tell spifey and tapl hopefully they dont snitch, because then the government would be after Bad and A6d to test on them.

Stiches -skeppy almost dies and spifeys a surgeon but he also does crafts so he tries to bring skeppy back by sewing him together and skep comes back but different and we'll work from there. (This AUs kinda new)

Them -theres a war caused by a single powerful deity that kills all a6ds friends but a6d survives so evil spirit offers to bring his friends back if he works for him to complete tasks across time to alter reality which gives a6d weird schizophrenia and he sees hallucinations of his friends I promise theres a happy ending to this jjjdhfjwkws

Love -everyone lives in a world where with every heartbreak your health declines, but you can heal yourself by getting over it and being ok mentally(in which mental health is more important than physical) A6d gets his heart broken many times because the people he "dates" he cares abt alot but cant feel any romantic/sexual attraction to them so when he leaves them they curse at him and stuff cause they just got their heart broken, so a6ds just in really bad health like he gets sick alot n stuff but this whole journey is just A6d on a path to find out hes aro/ace and self acceptance yayyyy (I know a6d isnt actually ace but it's a good plot ok)

~~That's abt it for now, I might add more AUs later but these are the ones I've created so far. I hope you enjoy the stories, bye!~~

Skeppy and Friends|| AUsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin