Chapter 1 - School days

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Bzzt... Bzzt....

Bzzt... Bzzt....

My eyes slowly opened halfway, as my hand slowly felt around the bedside table for the alarm clock. Finding the surface of the battered, sticky-taped snooze button, I pressed it, hoping for five more minutes of silence. The alarm, however, wouldn't stop as my finger gingerly pressed the snooze button, over and over, hoping to find the right pressure point. Having had enough of it, I grabbed the alarm clock, and slammed it against the table, finally silencing it.

'Nnn...', I groan as I rolled over. Stretching my arms above my head, I arched my back, hearing popping noises rippling down my spine. Relaxing again, a sigh escapes my mouth, and I roll off the bed, onto my feet. After finding my slippers, I shuffled into the bathroom, and sighed at the sight of my hair in the mirror. 

'Whatever. I can't be bothered anyway.' I thought to myself, as I ignored it.

As I brush my teeth, the wondrous of smell of breakfast wafted up to my nose from downstairs, and I suddenly felt ravenous. After particularly sticky encounter with my contact lens, and attempting the fastest change of clothes ever, I rushed down the stairs 3 at a time, into the kitchen.

"-ood -ornin' Mum", I mumbled, shoving a piece of bacon and toast in my mouth.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)-ah," she answered, smiling slightly, "how did you sleep?"

"Fine," I replied, once again with your mouth full of bacon and toast. You check your watch.

7:39am. 'Damn it.' Grabbing my things, I called out, "mm... Mum, this is great, but I gotta go."

As I jammed on my shoes, Mum says from the kitchen, "Alright! Have a good day at school (Y/N)-ah!" 

Wheeling my bike out of the garage, I jumped on, and pedaled onto the road. The road to school wasn't very far, but there were heaps of people who used the same path, and it was very narrow. To make it worse, you were slightly late, and it was almost rush hour.

I'll take the shortcut. You think, as you swerved into a shopping centre. Although the security guards shouldn't be allowing it, they were often too busy dealing with other business (normally doughnuts), to be bothered.

Turning out of the shopping centre, I hear a familiar voice shout, "(Y/N)!!"

Looking over my shoulder, I see my friend Jackson barreling towards me on his bike. 

Jackson Wang has been my best friend for the last 5 years, since the start of Junior high school, is almost always annoyingly cheerful, with his high-pitched ring of a laugh, and a joking personality that earned him a good and bad relationship between him and most teachers.


 Swearing, I swung my bike to the right, dodging him just in time, as he blasted by, laughing loudly. 

That's it. I spun my pedals around, and chased after him. After a block, you caught up with him.

" You bloody idiot." I said while punching his arm.

"Shut up, it's not like you don't do it all the time," He says as he smirks.

Turning in through the front gates of the school, I chained up my bike, and walked together with Jackson to Literature class. Walking in, the Mrs. Bae shoots you two a death glare.

Oh. Boy. She is definitely not in a good mood. 

" (Y/N)! Do you mind explaining why the both of you are late to class, again? This is the third time in a fortnight!" She hisses.

"Umm... not sure I want to, Miss. It would be wasted effort anyway. We would still be punished. It's not like you want really want to know." I answered stiffly. Jackson stifles a laugh behind you.

Mrs Bae positively explodes. "You can stand outside for all that snark, (Y/N), and hold this chair above your head, until you learn to respect your teacher!" She screams. 

Aish, so loud.

When she noticed Jackson smiling, she kicked him out after me, shrieking "Mr. Wang, you can join him outside, if you think it is so amusing to disrespect your elders like so!"

I shuffled my feet outside the classroom, as I half-listened to Mrs Bae talk about stupid texts and poems that had no meaning to me whatsoever, and made silent jokes to Jackson. Around halfway through class, I looked through the window at my desk. I sat near the middle of the room, with the seat to my left being Jackson's which, at the moment, was obviously empty, and full of doodles. To the other side, was Bang Chan, who was another one of my friends, who loved to eat, but for some reason, was very slim. 

However, the person I really focused on was one seat behind. Mina Myoui, top of the class, Straight A student, and a talented dancer. She was so damn beautiful. Her long, black hair, often tied back in a ponytail, framed her elegant jawline, and soft cheeks. Her lips, drawn tight in concentration at the moment, were beautifully curved, and when drawn back in a gummy smile, made most people's heart melt.  Her eyes, beautifully shaped, often squinted cutely to look at the Blackboard, and always seemed to be wondering about something. When she moved, she always seemed so perfect; as if she could glide and hover above the floor. But to be honest, my favourite part of her was her voice.  Her sweet, angelic, heavenly voice, that seemed to tinkle when she spoke or laughed. Aish.... 

"(Y/N)! Mr. Wang!" Mrs Bae yelled.

Snapping out of my trance, I looked at Mrs Bae, saying "Yes Ma'am?"

"Have you two learned your lesson?" She shrieked.

Sighing, I looked at her and said flatly, "Yes ma'am."

She lets Jackson and I back into class, and we made our way to our desks. As I sat down, Mina shot me a look of annoyance. Yeah. Mina didn't like me. Pretty much the opposite, to be honest. The only reason she sits at the back is because she is the class president, and the teacher made me sit in front of her, so that I would 'behave'. As if that would stop me. I was actually happy to sit so close to her, but I never told her my feelings.

I couldn't anyway. The distance between a straight A student and a delinquent was rarely ever close.

As soon as I sat down, I reached underneath your desk for my battered, old, comic books. Fumbling around, I found Dragon Ball volume 23, and started reading it for the umpteenth time.

This caught Mina's attention, and she kicked my chair.

Turning around, she glared at me, and silently mouthed, "Put it away!"

I pulled a face, and went back to reading. A minute later, she kicks you again. Harder, this time.

"What?!" I hissed quietly.

"Put it away, (Y/N, L/N)!" She whispers firmly.


"We're in Class, you stupid!"

"(Y/N)!!!" Mrs Bae screams from the front, (What is with this woman and screaming?), "Stop bothering Miss Myoui, and turn around!"

Sighing, I swiveled around, back to reading my comic book.

"And Close that stupid little childish book of yours!" She says as she turns around to write on the blackboard. 

Huffing, I shoved it under my desk, and I sense Mina's glare boring through the back of my head. 

After another five minutes, the bell rings, and Mina packs her things, and brushes by me towards her next class.

"Nerd." I whispered after her.

After shooting you a death glare, she turns on her heels and leaves.


Hi guys, hope you like the first bit of this story. It's a bit boring, I know, but I wanted to show what the original setting between you and Mina was first.

Hope you Guys keep reading!

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