Chapter 2 - History Class

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"Aish..." I sigh, as Jackson revealed his hand, under the table. An Ace and a Jack. In my hands sat 10 and 8. Dammit, that grinning idiot's luck.

It was the last class  of the day, and, having not started, the class was pretty loud. Mina was unusually late, streaming past me, and sitting down at her desk. As I reshuffled the cards, I glanced at Mina, who seemed worried about something, as she rummaged through her bag. 

As I was handing  Jackson his pair of cards, Miss Kim, the "Teacher from Hell" walks in, with even more killing intent than her usual self. Mina, still worried, stands up, and says, "Rise up," to which everyone stands to greet the teacher.

"Sit down, Class is starting." Mrs Kim says before anyone had even reached their full height.

 Mina sits down, searches even more frantically through her book bag. Mrs Kim seems to notice, and says, "Anyone without their textbook, please stand up."

I glance back, and saw Mina, out of the corner of your eye, pause, her face a mask of guilt and fear. I looked at Mrs Kim, who was sorting out her books, waiting for someone to stand up. As Mina was about to stand up, She looked terribly scared. I mean, who wouldn't? If there was anyone worse than Mrs. Bae at this School, it was definitely Miss Kim. 

Sighing, I grabbed my textbook, and slipped it under the table into her hands, and stood up. She sits, stunned for a moment, and I smiled inwardly, and prepared to face Hell's wrath. 

 Mrs Kim glared at me, directing every single drop of her fiery rage at you. You could almost see fire in her eyes.

"(Y/N), how many times is this?" She asks quietly, through clenched teeth.

"4, ma'am." I answered casually.

"FOUR! Four times these three weeks, MR (L/N)! !!" She shrieks, as she slams her books on her desk, "Your average mark is 67%! At this rate; you will not even get NEAR a University! What are you going to do when you leave school? Do you want to be a street sweeper? Where is your learning initiative? What do your parents even send you here for?!"

"Well, my parents send me here, because they have to. It's required by the law," I answered nonchalantly, slightly smiling at her. Jackson and Bang Chan both stifle a laugh.

This pushes her over the edge. "Did I ask for an answer? Huh? You dare talk back to me? Pick up your chairs, all three of you!" She screams.

I sighed, and bent down, to grab the chair on both sides. Raising it above my head, Jackson and Bang Chan follow suit. 

"Higher! And walk to the back of the room, so you don't disrupt my teaching!" She screams. I raised my chair a tiny bit higher and marched to the back. Mina looks at you, sheepish and puzzled. She even looked slightly grateful, for once.

I smiled to yourself, as I stood there, looking at Miss Kim. She shot me one last death glare, and began teaching. Throughout the rest of class, Mina stole a couple of glances at you, and as soon as your eyes met, she averted her attention back to the front.

Around 10 minutes later, we were allowed to sit back at our desks, after listening to another lecture. Whipping out Dragon Ball again, I flicked to another random page, but this time, Mina didn't kick me.

Before class ended, the teacher called for me, Jackson and Bang Chan to stand up, and go to the front. After being handed a note of referral for detention, the three of us trod out of the class, towards, the principal's office, before Mina had a chance to return my book.


The next day, I walked with Jackson from the bike station to our lockers, as usual. When I prised opened my faulty locker,  a post-it note flashed out of the corner of my eye. It looked like it had been slipped through the cracks. Picking it up, I read, 

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