chapter six

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eddie followed after violet quietly  unable to tear the grin down from his heated face , replaying the same moment over and over again .

he didn't think he'd ever be able to forget the feeling , the touch and the eletcric that had ran through every body in sight.

he could feel it running right down his spine and to his toes , wondering if he was truly loosing his mind or if violet just had a way of making you feel as though you were seeing the world through a rose tinted glass for the first time . 

the feeling only intensfied as she grabbed onto his arm gently , leading him over to a quiet two seat area in the bar .

his ears ringing as strangers and faceless figures around them reached out to say there praise , numerous hands clasping onto his shoulders as though they were familiar to what was going on .

but instead of feeling panicked from there touch and intensity he only felt a sense of relief , knowing that his voice had reached more than a few people that night 

. hoping that they would be able to take something away from the show , he wanted them to question everything they had been told.

looking into violets blown pupils that were wide and ready to indulge he felt himself smile , his cheeks flushing in admiration knowing that what they had just done ,

what she had just done for him was the start of something new , something strange and exciting . 

feeling a light sting of embarrassment at the way he had froze once his eyes had lost sight of her ,

he had only known the girl for less than a day and he was already clinging onto her every move as though she would be the one to lead him out of the dark with her light torch , it felt so surreal . 

but violet didn't make him feel ridiculed , didn't make him think he was a freak for the way he had reacted .  

instead she acted like the whole freeze up in his body hadn't even happened , running on the feeling the music had brought between them .

too lost in herself and the movement of Eddie to think otherwise.

she knew the affect that she could have on people , she had been told from being a young girl that she had a magnetic energy that drew people in and left them wanting more . 

most people would get scared and uneasy at the feeling they got from violet , but eddie wasn't scared,

instead it looked to her like he wanted nothing more than to fall into her , to become her , to learn and understand . 

she was curious to see just how far they could go , nothing was ever as it seemed in euphoria.

placing her hand softly over his chest feeling the hammering of his heart against her fingertips making her hand pulse but she refused to move it away . 

VIOLET (EDDIE VEDDER)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang