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Running. Running. Running.

I can't think of anything else. Running.

I have to get as far away as possible from it.

As my feet touch the ground, as my body takes control over my mind, I can feel the adrenaline circulating in my veins allowing me to go as fast as I possibly can.

The night's getting darker and darker the deeper I run into the forest. I've been running for 10 maybe 20 minutes. Who knows, those minutes could actually be hours. I completely lost track of time, even worst, I don't recognize my surroundings.

I'm cold, the temperature gets really low past dusk. I'm freezing, my fingers and ears are cold as ice and I'm pretty sure my lips are turning blue by now.

Suddenly, my body stops. I can't take it anymore. I need a break. I hide behind a tree and press myself onto the trunk allowing my legs a little rest as I catch my breath. In and out. In and out. I need to control my breathing, so I can start running gain as soon as possible.

I need to get going. I need to reach the road and get some help. I need to go through with it.

Standing straight, I prepare myself to start running again until suddenly, I hear it. It's faint, I can't exactly decide if it is real or if it is my imagination playing tricks on me because of the tiredness. I stand still, petrified, not knowing what to do. Run? Hide? I can't think straight.

A few seconds later, I hear it again. This time clearer, closer.

It's real. They are here to get me.

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