I Think I Will

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A/N: I've had this fic stuck in my brain for the longest time (I am dying for season 2, people) and finally got around to writing it.

Also, I absolutely credit the idea for Tharn/Type/No to Mara and her lovely story That Testified Surprise on AO3.


Can groaned out loud and stomped his feet in annoyance. Never in a million years did the football player thought he would be stuck in this situation.

Pining over a boy, his traitorous mind supplied.

Can let Tin walk away and his singular decision was still haunting him weeks later. Tin had said no to his friendship and left him with all these...feelings. Can didn't know what to do with them. He didn't know what to do with himself.

"Something on your mind, Can?"

Can looked up against the bright sunlight shining on the sports field and saw Ae's face staring at him worriedly. "Tin's on my mind." He said quietly, pouting.

Ae sat down next to him on the bench, uncapping the cold bottle of water in his hands. "I thought you didn't like that asshole."

Can frowned at Ae's statement. "He's not an asshole."

Ae raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to continue.

"Okay, maybe he's an asshole." Can grumbled. "But he's got his heart in the right place. I think."

"I highly doubt that if he wasn't even willing to be your friend."

Can scuffed the heel of his shoe on the ground. He was silent for a few minutes.

"I think I broke his heart, Ae."

"Oh, Can."

Ae sighed and wrapped an arm around Can's shoulder. Can blinked back tears and let his head rest on Ae.


When Can tried to look for the international program student at his building, Tin was nowhere to be found. His car wasn't in the parking lot either. After a week of stalking the entrance, Can realized that Tin was gone. He was worried. What is Tul did something to him again? He wouldn't put it past Tin's brother to cook up another scheme to get Tin in trouble.

Can couldn't ask Pete; the other boy was still a little pissed at him after his fall out with Tin, and to be honest? Can was scared of a pissy Pete. So he asked Ae instead. Pete told Ae that Tin was going on an overseas trip for the school's student exchange program.

Can wandered aimlessly, the sun setting as he walked the long route home. His heart stuttered in his chest as he saw a white car drive past him.


Can spun around quickly, eyes tracking the car and looking at the license plate. He didn't recognize it.

"Not Tin." Can muttered to himself, turning back around and continuing his walk home. He pulled out his phone to check the time. It was almost 7 PM and it was already pretty dark. He sent Ley a text saying he was almost home; he was just a few blocks away from the house.

Can clutched the phone tightly in one hand and walked faster.

"Hey, nong."

Can stopped and looked around, eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Suddenly his arm was pulled harshly and he went sprawling into a dimly lit side alley. He heard his phone clatter on the ground.

"What the heck? Who's there?" Can yelled, hoping someone would hear him. He scrambled to his feet and tried to feel the ground for his phone.

"Give me your phone and bag and you won't get hurt," the voice came from a masked man standing by the entrance to the alley. His eyes were glinting dangerously.

Love's Chancesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें