Three's A Crowd

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A/N: Consider this pre-slash, before they got together (though I only implied it in part 1, I Think I Will).


Wandering the aisles of the drugstore, Techno was ready to drop dead on his feet. His head was throbbing and his nose had been running a 24-hour snot factory for the past two days. You would think that Nic or Kengkla would be all over him seeing him like this, but after Tharn and Type had let their sentiments about the latter basically stalking him known, his brother’s friend had suddenly disappeared. Why Tharn and Type cornered Kengkla in the first place was something Techno didn’t quite understand either…

Techno heard his phone go off in his pocket.


Techno blew his noise in a wad of tissues that was permanently attached to his hand before answering the call.


Ai’No! I’ve been trying to call you all day, you fucker.”

Techno rolled his eyes at Type’s cursing and cleared his throat. “Sorry, Type. I was asleep for most of the day.”

Are you alright? You had a nasty cold yesterday morning.

“I’m fine, just a little headache. Don’t worry about me. Keep the juniors in line. Just because their captain is away doesn’t mean they can slack off.”

Okay. Just… rest. Feel better.” Type added the last part hastily, as if showing any sort of caring emotion for his friend made him less manly or something. Sometimes Techno didn’t understand Type; he loved the dude but he was a fucking rollercoaster of a human being.

Techno laughed. “I will.” He suddenly sneezed, followed by wracking coughs. “I’ll talk to you later; I’m out buying medicine.”

Fine. Give me a call when you’re back home.

He hung up.

Techno stared at his phone for a few more seconds, his head swimming, contemplating just going home and getting Nic to get his medicine for him. He sighed, and with a sniff, continued perusing the shelves in front of him. Everything was confusing to him. Techno was rarely sick (likewise with Nic), so he didn’t really know what to get.

His headache was worsening by the second. Techno would bet a million baht that he was running a fever too.


Techno opened his eyes (wait, when did he close them?) and lifted his head sluggishly. He saw a handsome face stare back at him. His bestfriend’s boyfriend’s handsome face, eyebrows scrunched together in worry.

Tharn is really cute this close. I get why Type is so infatuated with him.

“Ai’Tharn.” Techno drawled, even his speech slurred a little as he tried to blink away the haziness that was clouding his mind. He stepped closer to Tharn, holding out a hand against the shelves to balance himself.

“Are you okay?”

The moment Tharn asked that, Techno stumbled and pitched forward, right into Tharn’s muscled arms.



Techno was freezing. His head was still pounding but not as bad as it was earlier. His nose and throat felt better though. He grumbled and turned over on his stomach, tugging the comforter tighter around his body.

Wait. I don’t have a comforter?

He opened his eyes, vision adjusting to the dim light in the room. It looked very familiar.

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