The Dreadful Lord

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The throne room was empty. The windows' glass scattered all around the floor, stained in blood. He was satisfied with what he had done.
The room had never been like this. Once it was the residence of a very influential family. Their wealth and power were envied by everyone on the continent. The family used to have parties, balls and great occasions. The great hall was always filled with women, gentlemen, wine and joy. Everyone was happy. Until one day everything had changed. The place of light, life and joy was taken by death, decay and darkness. Every memory had faded into nothingness.
A hooded figure sat in the throne. He was wrapped in black robes which covered almost his entire body. Yet his hands weren't covered in robes, but in a strange armor. He wore a pair of gauntlet. It was made out of a strange metal, unknown to anyone. Runes and markings were carved into it that no one could understand.
Suddenly someone began to cough. It was a body on the floor. "You will never win. He will come and finally  he shall put an end to your madness."said the woman who was coughing. The hooded figure smiled and began to arise from the throne. He held a strange staff in his hand with a strange scarlet crystal at the top of it. He came down from the throne calmly, on the stairs which led to it. "Oh my dear Commander, this is my domain now. No one enters without my permission. And I'm sure he'll come. And I shall wait for him here, armed and prepared, with an army by my side."
The Commander was gasping for more air, but she could continue the conversation. "What are you talking..." but before she could end her question, the sorcerer already began to answer. "With the army you have provided. Thy fool. My power is limitless. It surpasses any of your intellect. Of all people, you should know that. After all, you've seen what I'm capable of. But now I can take it even much further. I have the power to bring back the people I want from death. And if I want I can bend their will to mine."
The Commander was surprised. After all, no one possesses such power over life and death. "That is impossible. And even if you can do it, I will never serve you." After that, she spitted the sorcerer in the face. And while he was cleaning his face with a handkerchief he said "Now you see Commander, that's where you are wrong." He went back to the throne, but this time he didn't sit down. He lifted his hands and his staff. He began to mutter something in an ancient and unknown language. The crystal at the top of the staff began to glow. After that, a small green light left the Commander's body. She breathed no more after this. More green light began to arise from the dead bodies that littered the throne room. The light approached the  sorcerer's staff. Suddenly a green light litted the room.
He sat down exhausted and absorbed. After a moment a body began to arose from the ground. In the next moment one more. After a few minutes all the bodies were alive, kneeling before the stairs that led up to the throne. The first human who was kneeling was the Commander. They were breathing like any other living creature, yet they were not alive. Their wounds permanent, their consciencesness faded away.
Suddenly the Commander began to speak "How may I serve you... my Lord?"
And the Dreadful Lord had a sinister grim on his face.

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