Chapter 1

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Kloey was walking through the woods looking for some flowers for her bees. She looked over to see a strange man goat thing. She tilted her head to the side. "How did you get here?" She asked. She walked over to him. He was yelling at a villager to do something for him. Kloey taped his shoulder. (Bigmistakémate) she got slapped in the face. "Ow, what was that for?" He looked at her and looked at the villager. "You may go now-" he said, shooing Kloey away. "No. Your coming with me. Since your homeless and everything. And plus your a very rare type of sheep, So I'm keeping you." She grabbed his hand and led him to her house. She made a little house for him to hang out in. "You don't get it do you little miss, I'm the dark lord. I'm the opposite from good. And I need a servant. It looks like you'll do." He said. Kloey looked at him as she unzipped her bookbag to give him some berries. "Sure! I'd love to help you out." She smiled. The dark lord looked to the side and took the berries. " My first task is to kill most of the sheep." "Why would I do that?" "Because I said so miss. You have to do what I say, or I'll make you wish you were never born :3." "Ok, ok I will." She walked out of the dorm and got her diamond sword out. She sighed. She thought for a moment. What if I gave him a lover. Maybe then he wouldn't be so mean. She got done with the task and gave him the lover she was thinking about. She was a light gray sheep human thingy. (Yes, she has traveled all that way for another one of those things.) "What is this?" He asked. "I got you a lover. So you won't be so lonely." She smiled. "But your here. I dont need anymore company. There just gonna annoy me just like you do." He looked over at his ' lover' "I'll leave you two alone." Kloey got up and walked out. She fed all of her sheep, and tended the garden. She got some potatoes, so she was happy. She got in her bed and went fast to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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