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― ❝ the name is storm. lexxi storm.❞
     ❝ did you seriously have to say that like james bond?❞
     ❝ yes, yes I did.❞
❝ why are you still talking in that voice?❞
❝ because it sounds cool.❞


― ❝ in which elena santos is best friends with henry hart and together they fight alongside captain man while being a normal teenager.❞


elena santos grew up as a only child with two loving parents. her dad, elijah santos, was a scientist, was also friends with ray manchester's dad, carl manchester, and even helped carl build his trans-molecular densitizer.

her mom, malina santos, works as a nurse at the local hospital in swellview. it has just been her and her mom ever since her dad died while making a new invention that was suppose to be a better energy source but things went wrong.

the night after her dad's funeral elena went down to her dad's lab and stumbled upon the parts that were left of her dad's invention. she noticed the light on it started blinking which confused her. she thought it was broken.

she walked forward and tried to figure out what was going on. whenever she pressed the on button she was zapped with such force that sent her flying back into the wall, knocking her out unconscious. and when she woke up, she had powers.

that's how she became swellview's new superhero lexxi storm.

after her dad's funeral she started to have a friendship with ray manchester. he was like the older brother she ever wanted. he even offered her a job at the weird shop he had. she was confused and weirded out at first whenever she showed up to junk n stuff and she was even more confused when a sack was thrown over her head.

when the sack was taken off she was in this high tech really cool looking room. it reminded her of the bat cave if she was honest. and you bet she was shocked when she saw captain man standing in front of her.

ray told her his secret of being captain man because he trusted her and saw potential in her, and he knew that she was the superhero that suddenly showed up in swellview.

he offered her to be his sidekick, but she politely declined. she knew that one day he would find someone better than her that would be the best sidekick for him.

(but she had no idea that someone would be her best friend/longtime crush) she still helped him fight crime though, just not as his sidekick. she helped him fight crime as lexxi storm.

henry hart and elena santos have been best friends ever since they were born. It helps that their moms are friends, it just made sense for them to be friends as well.

the two are the best duo anyone has probably ever seen. they were always there for each other. who knew being teenagers and being a superhero and a sidekick would be so hard.

CAST. . . .





the rest of the henry danger cast will be playing their respective characters!

A/N I apologize for the summary being so long I just hope that it helps explain more and I hope you guys enjoy this!! also yes, malina does know about elena being lexxi storm and she also knows about ray being captain man.
I saw from somewhere that lexxi means flash of lightening. it might not be true, but I honestly don't care and I'm gonna stick with the name 'cause I like it, but anyway I hope you guys enjoy this book

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