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'Sup guys?!!!!!

Guess who's back? Little old me. With that sequel I promised and took so much time to write (sorry I'm a mess).
I didn't want to disappoint, and I hope I won't, which is why I took the time to write and rewrite and rerewrite. But anyways, three versions later, here I am.

As usual, warnings:
-This is a sequel to Soul Breaker, if you want to read it first, it's in my works. If you don't, well, you do you and don't hesitate to ask me if there's stuff you don't understand
-English is not my first language and there will be so many mistakes. You'll have to excuse my inability to English properly XD
-Last but not least, this story involves a ton of sensitive subjects: religion, violence, sex, manipulation and the like. If those are not your cup of tea, I suggest you don't read the following. I just want everyone to feel safe cuz fanfiction should be a pleasure to read <3

Congrats to our baby Chen for his happy wedding! And his first child ;) Of course, I have to continue with the ship Chen x Minseok for the storyline. However, just know that I fully support him and I am so so happy for him!

Anyways, I'm shutting up and letting you enjoy <3



For where we are is hell, And where hell is there must we ever be.

- Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus (Act II, scene 1)


"Oh dear, this is boring,"

The club is packed. People are losing their minds to the music, to the bodies moving against them. There's alcohol, and there is smoke and powder. Nothing stands in their way but the beat pulsing through their hearts.

Baekhyun is leaning against Sehun, legs crossed and fingers delicately holding a glass of something pink and bubbly. He sips on the liquid, dark eyes rimmed with glitter, hair falling in messy locks over sharp cheekbones. Beside him, Jongdae is resting against the wall, the light playing in his dark hair and over his leather jacket. His arms are crossed over his chest, his hips pushed towards the floor. He's watching silently, surveying their surroundings. Minseok has an elbow popped on his shoulder, a pleasant smile coloring his lips. He's dressed in silver tonight, suit glistening in the neon lights. Across from him is Zitao, lounging in his chair, eyes closed and head thrown back. It's difficult to know whether or not he has already drifted off.

"Jongin," Baekhyun whines, "What are we doing here?"

"You know what we're doing here, brother. We're waiting for War."

Besides Baekhyun, Sehun stiffens, gripping his flute of champagne a little too tight. His blond hair is slicked back impeccably, his emerald suit bringing out the color of his pale skin. His eyes, smudged with black eye shadow, fall on Jongin.

The devil is wearing his usual darkness, red eyes surveilling the dance floor with an indulgent little smirk, a single lock of hair resting against his golden skin.

"Well," Baekhyun straightens, puts down his glass, "I'm going to dance. Care to join me, Sehunnie?"

The fallen angel takes a look at the smaller man and squints his eyes. "With humans? No, thank you."

Baekhyun smiles, a ferocious show of blinding white, and leans in. "See, that's your problem, darling brother. You don't know how to have fun."

Soul Breaker 2 - Severed {Kaisoo § Chanbaek}Where stories live. Discover now