Min Joon!

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They stood in the dark alley. Mr. Kim and Pentium facing each other as Mr. Kim was on his way back to Ms. Jang with the coffee he promised he'd get for them to enjoy.

"No, thank you." Mr. Kim says rather fast. "I heard you should only speak casually with friends."

"That's why I'm asking you to speak casually." Pentium says while swinging his head, then takes a step closer to Mr. Kim boldly "you never know. I might end up calling you Min Joon."

Mr. Kim falters. That's what his brother called him. He wasn't sure if he was truly at ease with someone calling him by that name... he could see Pentium smile at him cutely. "I'll think about it." He swallowed to wet his suddenly dry throat. "The meat might get burned. Come quickly."

Mr. Kim decided he had to let Pentium interrupt his and Ms.Jang's alone time if it meant he'd drop this particular subject. Mr.Kim turned on his heal and started walking back to the cafe he'd left Ms.Jang at by herself.

He walked slowly away from Pentium and suddenly he heard Pentium speak to himself behind him.

"Gosh, why is he playing hard to get?"

Mr.Kim clenched his jaw and looked downwards, still not sensing Pentium starting to walk towards him.
As he walked beside a wall, he saw a man dressed fully in black approach him. He didn't think much of it as he knew people needed to be places and he couldn't be skeptical about everything in his life, so he decided to not pay attention to him, and to carry on.

"Mr.Joon!" He faintly heard Pentium call out to him. Figuring that Pentium just wanted to annoy him more, he kept walking. The man dressed in black was closer to him now. "Min Joon!" Mr.Kim heard Pentium start running up behind him and just as the man reached his side, Pentium jumped in the way of him bumping into him.


"What's with him?" Mr.Kim asked, watching the man leave. He tilted his body toward Pentium while still watching the man. "Do you know him?"

Mr. Kim turned his head back to Pentium and saw him raise a shaking hand out to glance at it.
Red. Red coated Pentium's hand. Red? R... red?!!

"P- Pen." He swallowed. "Pentium??"

Pentium who was still looking unbelieving at his hand, started to sway and toppled over, Mr.Kim catching him just before he hit the ground hard. "Pentium!"

He was shaking. Pentium was shaking.
Mr.Kim looked at Pentium's face. It looked... oddly calm. But was also scared at the same time?
"Pentium!" Mr.Kim said quietly as he shook Pentium to get his attention.
Glazed and unseeing eyes met his. God, the kid looked awful.

Mr.Kim looked to where Pentium's hand was clutching. Just under his chest. Just then reality decided to catch up with him.

No. No! No no no no no! This can't be happening. Please god no!

Mr.Kim looked back to the kid's face. He saw tears lingering in his eyes, making it evident he was in pain, even though he didn't show it.
"No! Help us! Help!" He called out to whoever was listening, hoping someone was nearby o hear his desperate cries for help.

He glanced around to see if there were any by standers around. But, apparently luck wasn't on his side. Mr.Kim, now with tears fogging up half his vision, glanced back down to the helpless boy in his arms. He looked at his small face and saw that Pentium's eyes were closed. No! Not good!

He put more pressure on the wound to try stunt to bleeding even more, but he wasn't sure how much longer Pentium could survive. Please, don't die! Please!

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