The pain of one day.

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I sigh deeply sitting on the bus. My head throbbed from the constant babbling of teenagers and typical drama. I sigh again feeling the bile churn in my stomach. I click up the volume on my music trying to drown out all of there constant talking. 'Jesus why can't you just stop' I think to myself as my eyes flick from person to person. I turn my head to look out the window. Up at the trees, down at the ground, at the cars passing by. Everything was normal yet something felt off. I jolt feeling a tap on my shoulder, pulling out a headphone I look over at my friend Sterling, "your stop is coming up ember" she says as she leans back into her seat and puts in her headphone. I look back out and sigh.
Feeling the bus come to a stop once again, I grab my bag and get up walking off the bus, and across the street. I continue listening to my music as I walk into my house, my dad as usual not home. I look at the dark unkept house and sigh tossing my bag onto the ground and walking into my kitchen removing my headphones and shoving them into my pocket. I walk over opening my fridge and looking in, "smells like shit and nothing to eat" I groan feeling my cat rub against my leg, I close the fridge and pick him up for a minute as I pull out my phone and look at the time. "3:30? Ugh.." I groan putting my cat down and walking upstairs.
I walk into my room throwing myself into my bed and sighing as I doze off falling asleep.

I jolt awake from the loud buzz of my alarm clock, "fuck" I groan rubbing my head, notting my hair even more, I pull myself out of bed and stand up stretching, various cracks through out my body sound along with the grumbling of my starving stomach, I groan as I go through a pile of clothes and finally pulling some on, I brush the nots out of my hair and walk downstairs opening the cubbord pulling out a box of cerial and a bowl, and sat down as my cat jumped up sniffing the bowl, I pulled it away from him as I started eating and going thru my news feed on face book. Soon leaving the bowl of milk for my cat I walked out grabbing my backpack and stood out for my bus, it was so dark out for 6:20. I popped in my headphones and looked around, the woods seemingly darker as I shrug it away. The off feeling from yesterday soon returning to my stomach as I stand waiting. Soon my bus pulled up and I got on plopping In the cold seat. After a hellish 20 minute bus ride we arrive at school and I get off. Sterling and I walking to our first class.

-7 hours later-

As we walk out I look at the satanic yellow Twinkie and sigh, 'NOPE not today' I think to myself as I start to walk twords the path in the woods, now I know what your thinking, "why take that way, you know something bad is bound to happen" but hey, it's the short cut in the woods, the bus, or the main road. And I don't know about you but that short cut is calling my name.
I start to walk into the woods deep in thought as I listen to my music. Jolting as I feel a tight grip on my wrist, I turn and punch the person grabbing me, whoever that may be. A guy falls back clenching his now bleeding nose as he glares at me. I return the glare with a cold stare as I stand slightly frozen in a mixture of fear and confusion, my eyes now scanning him, as I notice he's in a black type robe. He stands up coming at me once again as I turn nd bolt fastly, but as soon as I started running, I slammed face first into a tree, falling back into the ground, 'smart. Real smart' I think to myself as I get up, the tall man grabs me hardly once again as I grab a rock slamming it into his head knocking him unconceous.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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