No more second chances

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Things are about to get very bumpy with their relationship awhile back Oscar cheated on me with a girl named Cassandra  Walton they had sex together multiple times they even went to our spot at the beach and she was more beautiful than I was I guess we have not spoken since then when I caught her in our bed together they both stopped what they were doing and just looked at me he mamas I did not know you would be home so soon I stood there balling my eyes out I said we raised a beautiful baby girl together and she loved her dad but whatever we were going to get married we had so many memories together and just going to throw that away I don't even fucking  know you anymore he did not say anything he just looked at me so I grabbed everything and put it in my suitcase decided to leave my clothes on the hangers because it would be so much easier I grabbed all of my shoes even our baby's clothes I even took of my ring at threw it at him he said stop mami what are you doing with your ring he caught it can you please put this back on princess I ignored him I walked out of his room with my suitcase i said have fun with your new girl I slammed the door he quickly got dressed and jumped off bed and he opened the door he ran out the room to hug me I am so sorry mamas I pushed him I don't expect your apology I walked away to my daughters room hey mamas your going to live with me somewhere else  ok she smiled at me I kissed her forehead and walked out but he grabbed my arm let go of me right now so I kicked him in the nuts we both left his house I grabbed the car seat put it in the back of my Jeep and buckled her in and got in my car and I locked my doors so he would not get in he came running out off his house he started taping on my window please don't do this mamita I love you he said well you should have thought of that before you cheated on me with that Bitch he kept tapping my window so I put some music on It started playing you and I by  one direction that was going to be our song for our wedding I turned it up a little but not to loud I started my car and pulled out of the driveway not looking back he was standing in the middle of the street crying so much he whispered please come back mamas I did not mean to hurt you he was feeling so numb from being hurt he just sat there in the street I went to Ruby's grandma's house I pulled into the driveway and sat there for a minute maybe he was getting tired of me in my mind I was like you need to get over him this is the very first step of getting over a breakup I turned my car off and got out I opened the door to get my little angel out she was already asleep I couldn't stop crying I was a total mess but I did the right thing I locked my Jeep and walked to the front door I knocked on it and ruby answered he saw me crying uncontrollably and he said what's wrong princess I couldn't get the words out so he hugged me and brought me inside thanks ruby no problem we both sat on his couch and I told him that Oscar cheated me he said I am so sorry he hugged me again if you need a place to stay you're welcome here stay as long as you need he said can I ask you to do a quick favor for me please he said sure if you see Oscar tell him I don't want to see him again and can you put my car in the garage he went into the garage wait here are my keys he walked back towards me to grab my keys he hopped in my car to drive it into garage and he shut the garage door thank you i said no problem princess he came to sit down on the couch again he noticed my baby  is this the little princess i have been dying to meet what's her name he asked  I replied hazel can I hold her sure I said go ahead she has been dying to meet to uncle ruby he sat with her in his arms she really does look like you he said yeah she has a cute nose and her laugh is the most adorable thing on this planet she even crinkles her nose like I do I replied she is my little chunky monkey he laughed and kissed her on the forehead I will protect her from everything even Oscar we were going to married but not anymore we created so many memories together and we were going to have more kids can I have ice cream he walks towards the freezer all we have is Ben and Jerry's that's fine he grabbed a spoon and handed me my ice cream thank you Ruby my heart really fucking hurts and one more thing I need you to do for me can you tell Cesar Jamal even monse do not to tell him that I am here sure I will send them a text he pulls out his phone hey Cesar this is ruby can you not tell Oscar that Sophia is staying at my house because he cheated on her , Jamal I have to tell you something about Oscar he cheated on Sophia keep your mouth shut ok he replied i will even though I cannot keep a secret I rolled my eyes then I texted monse  hey can you keep a secret do not tell Oscar that Sophia is here because he messed up real bad what happened is she ok he replied cheated on her with some stripper what an asshole I know right ok they know everything will be ok goodnight he as he handed me back my chunky monkey goodnight we both passed out on the couch making sure she would not fall off the next morning I woke about around 6:00 and I put hazel in her car seat so I could make her a bottle I grabbed a pan from the sink opened the refrigerator to get the milk I poured it into the pan and turned the  stove on it started to heat up after awhile I let it cool down on the counter I went to grab her bottle from the diaper bag and poured the milk into her cup she started crying I walked over to her are you hungry mamas I picked her up held her in my arms she immediately grabbed her cup ok my little chunky monkey you are so adorable in the morning she was already done with her milk so I burped her jeez mamas that was a big one she started cooing I heard Ruby's door open good morning he good morning she was really that hungry he replied I said yeah she really loves milk he just smiled so me and my friends are going to hang out today do you want to come yeah but can we hang out here I said I really don't want to see him I want the rest of your friends to meet her I am sure they will love and adore her I stated he replied I think so too well i better get to school now I stood up and hugged him thanks ruby for everything no problem princess see you later bye I said I decided to get dressed because I wanted to make a good impression for Jamal and monse I really hope they like me I am very nice person and I would not hurt anyone besides Oscar he the one that messed up not me it's only going to get worse from here but I am a strong independent woman who needs no man to protect me

My love for you spooky DiazDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora