chapter 2

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And like I said earlier in the day, I'll upload another chapter. Here's chapter 2 of Serendipity. Enjoy!


At Simon’s Office…

“ Where’s Harry?” Simon Cowell asked. They have been waiting for at least half an hour now and he still hasn’t arrived.

“We don’t know. He said he’s gonna catch up.” Niall answered.

“Very well then, let’s-” “WE’RE HERE!” said a very knocked out Harry. The others turned to his direction.

“What do you mean we?” Liam queries, turning around. Harry points comically at the girl beside him. Simon’s eyes grow wide and he heads toward the unexpected guest.

“Welcome Aimee. I haven’t seen you for quite a while. How have you been?”

Cheerfully, Aimee replied, “I’ve been well uncle, thank you!” Simon cleared his throat and introduced her to the boys.

“Boys, I’d like you to meet Aimee Lyka Van Roberts, my godchild.”

“THE Aimee Lyka Van Roberts?!”

“I thought she looks familiar!”

“She’s your godchild?!”

They rushed up to her as Harry tried to warn them. He mouthed a ‘NO!’ and gestured with his hands not to go near her. But they were too late to notice, Brutus had already gotten hold of the necks of their shirts. “No one approaches Ms. Van Roberts in such a manner.” He says.

“Tried to tell you…” Harry mutters.

“Brutus,” Aimee calls, “Why don’t you and the others wait outside. Nothing seems wrong now, does it? Just let them go and run along now.” Brutus and his crew obey at the order and the group resumes conversation.

“I’m sorry about that, my parents made it sure that I’m ‘heavily guarded’ since they’re not here with me.”

“Nah, don’t worry about it,”

“It’s alright.”

“More than alright.”

“Absolutely nothing to worry about.”

Noticing they were too close, Harry then spoke up, “Guys, you’re going a bit overboard.”

“Right…” And the four of them stepped back.

“I believe we haven’t introduced ourselves,” Louis declares, “I’m Louis Tomlinson, at your service.” He then bows before Aimee and sidesteps to make room for Zayn.

“Zayn Malik, also at your service,”

“Liam Payne, nice to meet you Ms. Van Roberts.”

“Niall Horan, the cutest of the five.” 




With a chuckle, Aimee replies, “It’s great to finally meet you guys! Godfather Simon tells me so much about you.”

“And it has been a pleasure to finally see the famous Ms. Van Roberts in person!”

“Just call me Aimee. No need to go all formal.”

“Let’s get down to business now, shall we?” Simon Cowell intervened. The group then continued their discourse over cappuccino. “So how’s the company? I heard they’re releasing a new fashion line this summer.”

“It’s been very busy lately. Even mom and dad can’t leave it for a full week. About the new fashion line, it’s true. They’re launching it by mid-July. A team of photographers and stylists will be coming here by the end of June for the photoshoot. From the looks of it, mom and dad are still looking for models for the men’s wear.”


“Well,” Aimee pauses, building the suspense, “I can call my parents to appoint One Direction as the models for the new fashion line, If you accept.” That statement left the boys mouth’s ajar. They couldn’t believe their ears! “What do you say uncle?” Aimee asks. Surely, he couldn’t say no. “It would make the band more popular if they do it. The effect would be mutual on the company.” She adds.

Simon keeps his face straight, as he thinks for a moment. “It wouldn’t hurt to do it, right?” The boys just watch the scene unfold, with fingers crossed. “Alright boys, be ready to be the new faces of Deja Vou!” There was silence for a moment, as if they didn’t what Simon had just said. Then Liam jumped, “We’re going to be the new faces of Deja Vou!” The lads join, jumping and having a mini-celebration.

Aimee abd Simon proceed to the next room, leaving the overjoyed boys to themselves. “Hi mom!” Aimee greets on the the phone, “How are you and dad doing? Guess what, I think I’ve found the new faces of Deja Vou!”

“Everything’s fine dear,” Her mom answers, “Thanks for asking. And about that last statement, who are they?”

With a bright smile, Aimee replies, “They’re none other than One Direction! Godfather Simon agreed to the idea. It would benefit both sides greatly. Whatcha’ think?”


And.. that's chapter 2 of Serendipity.., this might be the last for the whole week though. :/ I'll try to upload at least a chapter a week. School's resuming tomorrow, so I might not be able to publish another chapter for several days. See you soon!

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