02 Maximum Effort

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“Dad, are you trying to make mama has diabetic?” Luo Fei snapped after Zhao Yunlan poured 2 cups of sugar into the mixing bowl “That’s too much sugar! The baker on the video said one quarter cup of sugar”

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“Dad, are you trying to make mama has diabetic?” Luo Fei snapped after Zhao Yunlan poured 2 cups of sugar into the mixing bowl “That’s too much sugar! The baker on the video said one quarter cup of sugar”

“She has bigger cup than us” Zhao Yunlan defended himself “Our cup is smaller. This is enough”

“Dad…..” Jing Ran rolled his eyes “We have the same cup”

It's been an hour Zhao Yunlan and the twins are trying to make a birthday cake for Shen Wei.  But they have not managed to get the perfect cake.  That's because they don't really follow the instructions in the video tutorial, even though they only want to make basic vanilla cake.

Another thing that makes them difficult was an endless debate.  This is normal in this house.  Bickering is actually their daily routines.

“Okay, help me pour the flour to this batter” Zhao Yunlan said after successfully mixed the ingredients with mixer, don’t ask about the taste because all of them didn’t dare to taste it, especially the twins.

“I’ll do it” Jing Ran took the spoon and used it to pour the floor spoon by spoon

“Just pour all of them in one go, son because you’re too slow” Zhao Yunlan ordered then Jing Ran poured all of them in once but……….


The hand mixer was still on and you know what happened. The dust turned Zhao Yunlan and the kids into Olaf once again and the kitchen island now was full of white dust. Well, they should understand why the baker said to pour the flour slowly.

“Shit…..” Zhao Yunlan cursed and turned off the mixer

“Bad word is not allowed in this house daddy!” Lou Fei scolded his father “I’ll tell Mama after this for sure”

“Okay okay sorry, don’t tell mama please” Zhao Yunlan said “You’re in my team right”

“Okay don’t say that again then” Luo Fei agreed

“Can we still use the batter dad?” Jing Ran was worried because the batter in the mixing bowl now looked bad “Or do we need to start another batch?”

“No, I think we still can use this. Just let me clean the table first” Zhao Yunlan was about to get the towel but accidentally nudged the mixing bowl with his elbow that caused the bowl now fell on the floor and the batter spilled on the floor “Da-------” Zhao Yunlan paused “I mean we definitely need to start another batch then”

“Oh, we need to clean that too now” Luo Fei whined “Don’t worry, I activated our automatic sweeper”

“No……….!” Zhao Yunlan shouted a little but he was too late because the automatic sweeper was already there and cause the batter spread even more. It was a chaos in the kitchen. The wolf immediately turned of the sweeper ans sighed “Luo Fei can you just give me the mop please?”

My Dear Shen Laoshi : Chapter Two Where stories live. Discover now