Chapter 3

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(Y/n) POV

You woke up to the sound of your alarm again, groaning in frustration at the annoying sound. You quickly silenced it and got up to get ready. It was a slow morning because you where still super tired. You eventually finished getting ready and after grabbing some coffee you left the house. You hopped onto the train and made your way to UA. After getting there you made your way to your classroom sipping your coffee.

Time skip because I'm lazy

You walked to the lunchroom having regained some energy from the coffee you had been drinking throughout the day. You opened the door to the lunchroom to see a huge number of people in a group. Feeling curiosity growing inside you, you walked over to see what was going on. Pushing through the crowd you made it to the front to see what they where looking and yelling at. You saw five students beating the shit out of each other. You quickly ran in grabbing students and pulling them off each other. As you grabbed someone they turned around and punched you in the face at full strength. It hurt but you weren't going to let it stop you so you kept pulling people out of the fight. After getting two guys out successfully and getting hit or kicked about a hundred times, you noticed someone on the floor, seemingly in need of help. You shoved, and pushed, and pulled people away from them until you got everybody off of them. You knelt down and said "Hey are you ok? Are you still conscious?" You heard a moment of silence before you heard a small groan and a "I'm alright." You sighed in relief carefully rolling them over. You looked at their face, it was bloody and bruised and they looked exhausted. "Oh goodness I need to get you to Recovery Girl fast." You said voice filled with worry. You carefully put your arms under them to pick them up hearing a painful groan. "I know I'm sorry but I don't think you can walk so I have to carry you." You said. "No it's ok, I understand." They said. You lifted them off the ground and got to walking. "So what's your name?" You asked trying to make sure they stay conscious. "My names Evan, Evan Robinson." He said. "That's a nice name Evan." You commented. "What's yours?" He questioned. "Oh, it's Y/n!" You said happily.

After some small talk you made it to Recovery Girl's office. You carefully opened the door revealing Recovery Girl bandaging a older student with blond hair, whom you found extremely attractive. You blushed lightly and said "Hey Recovery Girl, can I have some help?" She turned her head seeing you and Evan, immediately jumping up and saying "Oh honey what happed to you?!" "I was attacked in the lunchroom..." Evan answer. "Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry, here let's get you to the bed." She said leading us to the bed. The other student stood up and moved out of the way so I could set him down. I looked to the side to see the student staring at me. "Uhh h-hello?" I said to him. "Hello my names Mirio it's a pleasure to meet you!" He said sticking his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand in mine shaking it and said. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, the names Y/n." I stated slightly flustered from the contact. "What happened to this young man?" He asked curiously. "Oh, uhh, I walked into the lunchroom to see a huge crowd of people and walked over to see what was happening and saw a huge fight. I went in and broke it up, but Evan here had already taken a lot of damage." I said sadly looking down. "Well that was very kind of you to help him and bring him here, but are you ok?" He asked, a concerned look on his face with a voice laced with worry. I sat confused for a second before realizing that he was talking about my injuries. "Oh! No I'm fine he's in much worse shape I can wait my turn!" I quickly explained. "Well you're bleeding pretty bad so I don't think that's fully true." He stated still slightly worried. "Oh no I am totally ok, and can wait for Recovery Girl to finish up with him." I explained quickly trying to prove I was doing just fine. "Well seeing as it's lunchtime and I don't want you to miss your lunch, would you like me to bandage you up?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Are you sure? You probably want some lunch too." I said back blushing madly at the kind gesture. "Oh no it's ok I would love to help!" He cheerfully said. "Oh well ok, if you insist." I answered back face probably as red as a cherry. "Yay!" He said back happily smiling like a child. I blushed and smiled back, having some blood drip from my mouth carefully wiping it away. He sat me down in a chair and grabbed some cotton balls and a bottle of rubbing alcohol saying "This might hurt, but not for too long." He walked over sitting down next to me starting to clean my wounds and cleaning all of the blood off my face. I winced here and there hearing a kind and sincere apology each time. Eventually after a lot of wincing and apologizes, he finished cleaning up my face and finished putting on the bandages until there was one cut left. He placed a cute red bandage on my nose smiling widely. "Boop!" He said happily as he booped my nose. I giggled at the cute action and said "Thank you for the help Mirio!" "I'm glad to have been of some help to you!" He said back cheerfully. I looked to my side to see Evan all bandaged up and being kissed all over by Recovery Girl. I said happily "Welp it seems you have this under control Recovery Girl so I think I shall take my leave." I stood up and bowed dramatically and said "It was a pleasure meeting you Mirio, and thank you very much for the help. Have an awesome day!" "Bye!" He said chuckling at my silly antics. "Bye-bye!" I answered back waving. I walked out of the room and back too the lunchroom getting my lunch and eating while looking at my phone with my earbuds in laughing periodically at funny memes.
Eventually lunch ended and it was time to go back to class. I grabbed my stuff and walked out and turned in the direction of my next class. I walked into Ectoplasm's math class and smiled at him and the rest of the class. "Good morning!" I said smiling and waving. Him and the entire class looked at me and he said slightly worried "What happened to you?" "Oh! At lunch there where a bunch of kids crowded around something and it turned out it was a fight, I split it up but I didn't come out unscathed." I said laughing awkwardly after. "But I'm alright now! You should have seen the other kid! He probably had a few broken bones, but I got him off to Recovery Girl's office safe and sound!" I finished. "Alright as long as you're ok. Now let's get to today's lesson." He said back as I went back to my desk and sat down calmly listening to his lesson.

Time skip

The day eventually ended and I went home. The walk home wasn't to bad besides the slight pain in my wounds. My house was empty as it usually is because of my parents jobs, so I just plopped down on the couch sighing. Ugh I can't be falling for someone that quickly can I! I thought. He was so handsome, yet so kind and gentle, and he was so silly, and funny and cheered me up so quickly! "Ugh!" I groaned I just decided to eat then go to bed, and I did just that.

I'm really sorry about the huge gap in updating, I really haven't been in a good mental state and have been very tired lately, and I'm just really bad at updating stuff. I hope you can for give me and enjoy this longer chapter where you meet Mirio! Goodbye and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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