Chapter One

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Annabeth was sure she was ready for anything. That is until she saw the Argo II flying over camp Jupiter. She turned to Frank and Hazel."Time for you guys to meet my other family."

..............(awhile later)..........

"Leo Valdez what the hell did you just do?!"


"Annabeth, calm down." Piper said adding a bit of  charmspeak to calm her and to make sure she didnt assassinate the only one who knew how to fly the Argo II.
Annabeth sighed. "What was the prophecy? "

      "Seven half-bloods shall answer the call. To storm or fire the world must fall. An oath to keep with a final breath. And foes bear arms to the doors of death."
Jason recited.

Annabeth stood frozen as she thought over the prophecy and of the voice that had been urging her, 'Go to Rome that is where you shall find whom you have lost!:
" fast can you get us to Rome?"

"Um, two...three days at most."

"Okay." That was the last thing she said until she walked below deck.


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