11 - 21 facts up next !

21 1 0

11. If it's attention that you want, don't get in a relationship with a man during playoff season .

12. Men do things that make us go aaaackkkkkk and make us go ahhhhhhhhh all at once. How 


13. The front lawn is the Holy Land. It's not to be messed with.

14. Men like gadgets with lots of fancy shiny black buttons. It makes them feel dang important.

15. Dear men, your Mother is not a saint. A saint would have taught you to put the lid down.

16. When men talk with food in their mouth, it makes you want to reach right across the table and slap them with a hot dog while mumbling the word wanker under your breath.

17. If men make the bed and do the laundry, we will gasp.

18. Enough already with the combover. It has never once fooled anyone into thinking you have 

hair. Never. Not once. Ever. In the history of ever.

19. Breathing like a normal person seems like no biggie to women. For the love of all things holy..

20. It's easier for a man to buy a bathing suit :

Women have two types : depressing and more depressing.

Men have two types : sexy-cool and a horrific-speedo.

21. Booby kryptonite : Dear men, they are just boobs. Breathe. Do you want to know who else has boobs? Your Mom.


Yah !

Howcha felt ?

See ya in the next chapter consisting of more facts ! Duh ....!

40 Strange But Funny Facts About Men !Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang