Baby day - tododeku

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This is all in Todoroki's POV :) requested by AquaticBubble :3

Me and Izu were by the lockers talking, about to go to our dorms when a girl with a  half black half white hairstyle in buns came running by us, she looked like she was being chased. Suddenly, she smeezed and a pink mist covered Izu and I, suddenly Aizawa ran towards us and the Girl. 'Kiyoko stop running away your quirk is out of control!' He said in a harsh tone, the girl nodded and then aizawa realised that me and Izuku had been hit with Kiyoko's quirk.
'Todoroki, Midoriya, come with me.' I nodded and looked over at Izuku, he was holding onto my arm like a scared child. I tried to walk away but he kept holding onto my arm and pulling me back. 'Midoriya you wanna come with me and play with Eri while me and Todoroki fix things?' Aizawa asked Izu, who nodded and held my hand, I was confused at to why he was talking to Midoriya like a baby.

Aizawa took me and Izu to the staff room and we sat down.
'Midoriya was hit with an age quirk, it doesnt affect his body but his current mental age is 2. You were both hit with it so i dont know why only he was affected though.' Aizawa sensei explained
'Well how do we reverse it...?' I asked as I looked over at Eri and Midoriya while they were playing with legos. 'We dont know yet, thats why i was chasing after Kiyoko, she didnt want us to do a test to see how to reverse it.' He began, i looked back at him. 'All we know for now is that it'll wear off in a day. You'll need to take care of him since he likes you the most.'
'Okay... I'll try my best, Sir.' I replied. I went over to Midoriya and kneeled in front of him,
'Hey baby you wanna go hang out in my dorm?' I asked, not resally knowing what i was doing, I never really hung out around babies or small children because im the youngest in my family. Izu nodded and did grabby hands for me to pick him up, I have to admit it was adorable, I picked him up and carried him to my dorm.

I put him on my bed and sat next to him. I went to his dorm and got him a hoodie and some jean-shorts he had. I brought them back to him, he went into the bathroom to put the clothes on, when he came out he had the Hoodie on back to front, I chuckled slightly at his sillyness.
'Help me Sho' He whimpered, i gestured flr him to come closer and he came and sat in my lap, I took the hoodie off and put it on him the correct way, he smiled and hugged me, I hugged back.
To be honest, he wasnt that differant from normal... or so I thought.
We watched cartoons for a while until he was hungry, so we went to the common room, I got off the bed and went to the kitchen, assuming he'd walk himself there. I went to the kitchen and got some doritos and put them in a bowl for him. When i eventually got to the living room and sat on the sofa, Mina saw him and I guess Aizawa told the class what was going on because she got mad at me for leaving him on his own. 'Todoroki you camt leave him on his own! Hes only 2 right now' she yelled, she got a pacifier from her bag and gave it to Izu, he put it in his mouth and Mina sat next to him playing pika boo or something. 'Sorry I assumed he'd be fine' i argued, sitting next to him. Mina, who was surprisingly strong, put Izu onto her lap and continued to play with him and I got a bit jealous..
'Hey he's my boyfriend why do you get to play with him!' I pouted
'Well im clearly a better mother than you! Thats why!' She said
'I can be a good dad' I replied, I kneeled in front of Izuku and smiled at him, he smiled back and squished my cheeks, I blushed a bit and took him out of Mina's lap and cuddled him, I kissed his forehead and Mina huffed. 'I liked being a mom.'
'Why did you even have a pacifier?' I asked
'I'm a babysitter, and dont worry its clean.' She answered
Me and Izu hung out for a while until i fell asleep for a few hours.

When i woke up Midoriya wasnt in my room for some reason, I looked around to see if he was anywhere and I couldnt see him. I got up and changed, I wore a black turtleneck and some black jeans with white coverse shoes. I went out to the common room and saw that Bakugo of all people was playing with Izu, and he looked like he was enjoying it.
'What the hell are you doing with my boyfriend?!' I asked, Bakugo normally hated Midoriya so I
was worried. 'Im playing with him because he came and knocked on my door like half an hour ago, believe it or not I do care about people, Icyhot' he growled deffensivly.
'Fine fine,' I said, sitting next to Izu on the couch. 'Can you go make  dinner? I made everyone food yesterday so its someone else's turn' i asked, kissing Izuku's temple
'Yeah yeah sure, only because I dont wanna eat Mina's gross cooking or something.' He agreed.
'Hewo shoto' Midoriya said as he hugged me, I hugged him back and placed him on my lap. I was starting to like this version of Izuku, well I like Izuku no matter what but he's especially cute when he's acting like a baby. I kissed his nose and he hugged me. 'You wanna go hang out at the park later for a bit? You'll have to go to bed after that though' I suggested
'Ya ya! I wanna to to da pawk, can uwawaka come to?' He asked
'Sure, Uraraka can come if she wants.' I smiled. Bakugo finnished making food and yelled
'EVERYONE GET YA ASSES OUT HERE INMADE FOOD' and them everyone came into the common room and sat at the table, when we were sat at the table everyone was crowding arpund midoriya and I had to yell at them because he was getting scared. We ate the food and then Uraraka agreed to go to the park with us, we were walking down to the park and chatting for about 10 minutes before we got there. 'Uwawaka, Sho come annpway wif me on da swings!' Izu asked, I went and put him on the swings and me and Uraraka pushed him on it. We played around at the park for hours, we lost track of time and before we knewnit, it was 9 and we had to go home. Izuku was verybtired so I hadnto carry him home, I brought him to his room and he got his pajama's and I tucked him into bed and then went to my room and fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

I was woken up at like 3 am by Izu, I slowly woke up and rubbed my eyes
'Baby what do you want..?' I groaned
'I-i-inhave nightmare... can I s-stay in here pwease' he asked, i nodded and he got in my bed, I cuddled him until i fell asleep....

The next day i woke up about an hour before Izu, but when he woke up he was back to normal, and surprisingly had no memory of the previous day.

Thank u for reading!  If u want a oneshot done for u just make a request of a ship and prompt :3 word count: 1335

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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