Hit and Run

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"goodnight sir" Nathalie called after him as she left. Gabriel didn't say anything just watched her walking away. Nathalie's day of work had ended early since she was ill, although she had not wanted to go. "Workaholic" Gabriel muttered as he closed the door "Drinks far too much coffee to".

Adrien skipped happily home from school. It had surprised him that his bodyguard had not been there to pick him up but he didn't really care. It wasn't the only thing that seemed out of place that day; if he wasn't mistaken he had just seen Nathalie walking home early! Then all of a sudden he heard the roar of an engine and turned to see where it was coming from. There was a car heading straight for him! Something warm hit him from the side knocking him out the way. He heard a thud, something warm and wet was everywhere, and then there was nothing.

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