Chapter 4: little girl genius

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P.O.V -Doctor Reid

     “It was just a house fire right? Why are we getting involved with it?” Morgan asked with confusion in his voice. We all looked at each other with the same unknowing look. 

“Guys Gideon called us in here for a reason he knows what he is doing.” JJ said reading the file with the case information. Pictures appeared on the front screen, the picture was of a burnt down house.

          "Thank you guys for waiting, me and Hotch were talking, anyways Garcia if you would." Gideon says walking into the room with Hotch.

            "Mamma's got you, there they should be sending now my lovelies." Garcia answers as three more photos of burnt down houses, with the body's next to them. 

              "Okay let's get to work." Morgan says clamping his hands together. 

*Time skip cuz lazy 😂

           "Tell us what you got pretty boy." Morgan says walking into the room. 

                    "Well the only connection that all families have is that they all went to the same adoption center,and adopted a girl around the age of eight " I replied looking up at Morgan who was leaning against that door frame. He nodded his head and said that he would tell the others about what I found out. 

The hard seat cracked as I leaned back and crossed my legs, running my hand through my knotted hair with a sigh. My nightmares have started to come back again so I haven't been getting much sleep. With another deep sigh I stood up to meet with the others, but in an attempt to try to wake up more I got a cup of coffee. 

                      “ Would you like some coffee with that sugar?” JJ comes up behind me laughing at the cup in my hand. I roll my eyes playfully. 

                             “ You know that an average of 400 million cups of coffee are sold everyday, 250 cup of espresso…. Sorry.” I said as I realised that I was rambling again and ended up getting the look . 

                               “Hey, Pretty boy, you’re with me.” Morgan yells as he is grabbing his things to go. I nodded my head in acknowledgement and started to  gather my things to leave without knowing where we are going in the first place.  

*in the car*

                       “Where are we going?” i asked morgan buckling my seat belt that looking at the side of his face. 

                               “To the hospital to  meet the little girl that survived that fire, she hasn’t spoken to anyone yet and because you’re so good with children Gideon told me to take you with.” Even if I wasn't in the car and sitting right next to him you would be able to hear that stupid smirk that is on his face.

 I am not “good” with children or even animals so I have no idea why he would think that it would be a good idea to send me with Morgan. Morgan most have seen my face because he lets out a chuckle and says 

                       “Gideon knows what he's doing he probably has a reason why he told me to take you and not JJ or one of the others.” I just nodded my head and looked out the window drawing to find out what happened next.

 *at hospital*

                     “Mr. Cullen , we are with the FBI. I am Agent Morgan , we would like to speak with Storm.” Morgan says to a doctor with light blond hair and blueish-green eyes. He seemed to have something troubling him and was deeply concerned about it. He nodded his head and walked to a room. Knocking fist than saying 

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