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Jaehyun inhales the fresh air from the wind blowing through his body. He smiles upon hearing bird chirping and the smell of new bloomed flowers in the park. Beside him, running a white fluffy pomeranian puppy which he pets for these five months.

 After several minutes walk, he decides to sit on nearby bench looking out the river stream ahead. He giggles while cupping the puppy's face that fits his hands perfectly. He sighs and goes silent for a moment. He reminiscences how his life turned upside down last year. It was like having a roller-coaster ride, beside it was on fire and it didn't have its end. He finally got better gradually. He himself thought it was impossible at first. He once wanted to end his life by jumping off the bridge and luckily a passerby stopped him from doing it. 

Having bunch of supports from his family and close friends, he finally managed to start anew. He resigned from his work, moved out to new apartment in the suburb area, tried new hobbies and began to pet his puppy to fill in extra happiness in his days. He thought he wouldn't make it but he is here now. He is alive and doing well.He knows he doesn't deserve this much happiness and peace in life. He doesn't deserve to be alive, if he may say. But then, he has to pay for his sin by keep living though it kills him from inside. No matter how much he smiles from ear to ear, he still feels empty somehow. There is huge guilt in his heart and even after a year it won't go away. 

He and Chaerin have decided to spilt away and he thinks that is the best decision he could make for her. He doesn't deserve her. He is a jerk and she is too good for him. Yes, she began it first by cheating on him but he was blinded by jealousy and hatred that he forgot she loved only him and that Lee Taeyong was just a side-kick in their life. She had apologized for hundred times, she proved how guilty she was but he ignored her completely. Even when she was devastated knowing she lost their baby, he still doubted her and asked stupid question that almost took her life. 

Cheating is like a boomerang. It hurts both parties. It destroys the trust the couple has built just in blink of eye. Even if he forgave her back then, it still would have been different. Nothing would be the same anymore. Couples that lost trust to each other is just like an empty shell. It looks alright from the outside but it is just a camouflage to hide the sadness and loveless marriage. Perhaps by parting ways, they could reflect and continue to live as better persons. 

He hasn't heard much of her. Honestly, he last heard about her months ago. She told him she wanted to live aboard and let him live in Korea so he wouldn't be bothered to bump into her. She still asked for forgiveness even in the very last day she was in Korea. He already said endlessly that they both were at fault and he also felt so much guilty but she resisted it was only her to blame and asked him to live happily. 

 "And, how could I live happily if it is not with you." Jaehyun muttered, looking straight at the orange-colored sky.

 Talking about that bastard, Lee Taeyong. He got in jail and sentenced for 20 years for assaulting and killing. Yes, he killed their baby. One thing that should have been a blessing to his marriage. Jaehyun still wishes he got heavier punishment though. If he could, he really wanted to kill that trash. But anyhow, everyone walks on their paths now and living in the past means they are not grateful enough for the present.

 Jaehyun secretly wishes he could fix everything. Him and Chaerin. Only her can fill the emptiness in his soul and he can't imagine the other way.

 His phone suddenly rings. His best friend, Johnny is calling. 

"Why?" he asked him with his deep voice. 

"She is here. Chaerin is back to Korea!" the other line exclaimed.

 And then, it is so easy for Heaven to grant his wishes.  

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