I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck

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     The only way I would ever leave him was if he absolutely demolished my heart.
And that's exactly what he'd gone and done.

"Adam why would you... why... I just don't.." Iris couldn't even put the words together. He had lied before, but it was nothing big. Always white lies like "Oh I'm going out for the day, I've been called into work for a few hours to work on an extra case." When he was really going to get her birthday present and didn't want her to know. But never anything this big.
"And the worst part was, I caught him. He didn't feel guilty and tell me; oh no, He wasn't sorry he did it, he was only sorry he was caught."

"Iris what do you want from me ? An apology, I'd do anything I swear. Just tell me."

"So this was his pitiful excuse of an apology ? I don't even know what it really is."

Iris realized she had been silent for 10 minutes and snapped back into reality. 

"Adam there's nothing you can do, you were my everything but apparently I was just some side activity for you."

Then, he did the most pathetic thing possible.

He started to cry.

"Adam you are unbelievable. First you lie, then you're only sorry you were caught. Now you're crying ? You are a pathetic waste Adam." She spat indignantly at his tear filled eyes.

Iris always had a love for his eyes, so light green they were almost sea foam. He looked up at her; a broken man, the man who broke her. She couldn't take it anymore, her bags were packed and she needed to go, She did not know quite where but she knew she can't stay.

Hey guys so I'm not quite sure here I'm going to take this, but I really like the idea so I'm just going to go with it I guess.
I know that I didn't explain what Adam did to Iris, but you just wait it's all coming soon & I'm really exited for this

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