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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I scream into the back of the van as I lose my balance. It swerves around a street corner, beelining toward the training center. I'm pressing down on Denver's wound, applying pressure as the blood pours out of it. My own blood is still dripping down my arm from my gunshot wound, mixing with his. I look back to Luke, who's managed to get his knife wounds somewhat bandaged up. "Luke, are you alright?"

"I'm fucking fine. How's Denver?"

I turn my attention immediately back to Denver saying, "Denver? Baby? Are you with me?" His eyes flutter around and I feel my anxiety pick up about twenty notches but I don't have time for anxiety. "Denver?" Still nothing so I shout his name, "DENVER!" His eyes find mind. "YOU STAY WITH ME! DO YOU HEAR ME? FOR FUCK'S SAKE YOU STAY WITH ME!"

"Marcus!" Luke shouts out to the driver.

"Yes sir?"

"Please tell me we're almost there."

"Yes sir. We're only a block away. Dr. Cauldon is on standby and the operating room is already prepped." The van picks up its pace until it comes to an abrupt halt. The next moment the back doors are flung open in the middle of what looks like a parking area. Men are pulling Denver out of the van but I won't let go of the stretcher. I don't know who the fuck these people are or where they're taking my Denver.

"LET GO OF ME!" I try to fight the arms trying to hold me back.

"Malyssa, let him go."

"No! Get off of me!" I struggle against the arms because I'm barely hearing anything. All I can see is Denver bleeding out in front of me and people trying to take him away.

"MALYSSA! LET HIM GO UNLESS YOU WANT HIM TO DIE!" Luke's loud voice rings in my ear and I instantaneously let go of the stretcher. The moment I let him go I struggle and fight but Luke is holding me back. His arms are like a steel cage and it's a reminder of just how much strength he really gives up to me. "Shh, my love. Shh. I've got you." I hadn't realized it but I had begun crying. 

"GET OFF OF ME!" I push away from him and wipe the tears away from my eyes. The fucking traitorous things were spilling down my cheeks as I stepped out of the van. "FUCK!" I grab the sides of my head and drop to a crouching position remembering all of the bloodshed. I feel my palms stick to my hair and pull them away to see the blood caked on them.

"Malyssa?" I hear Luke's voice call from above me. "Malyssa, are you alright?" I stand to my feet and wipe my hands on my shirt but then realize that does absolutely fucking nothing. Currently, my shirt is a bright red Jackson Pollock painting. "Malyssa?"

"I'm fucking great, Luke! I'm awesome! Everything is bloody wonderful! LITERALLY!" I laugh like a maniac, at least I'm sure that's what I look like covered in blood with a litany of knife wounds and a bullet hole in my arm. "How are you? Are you good?" Sarcasm was thick in my tone.

"Am I good?" His jaw ticks, looking furious at me. "Good is the farthest thing from what I am right now." I look him over and I'm sure we're almost a mirror image of one another. His shirt is covered in blood. There are tears in his shirt from where Marina had dug her blade inside of him. Thankfully, it was nowhere life threatening. His blonde hair is streaked with red as well. His face spattered in blood, some of it his but the majority of it is not.

"You've definitely looked better, that's for sure." He shakes his head disdainfully at me. "Well, for what we've just been through you don't look all that bad."

"Yeah, well if you wouldn't have gotten yourself involved with the scum of the earth then we wouldn't fucking be here, would we?"

"Guess you wouldn't have learned how to defend yourself either." I glare just as furiously right back at him.

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