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A/n not a request :))
Yn- your name
Nn- nickname
Fc- fav colour
~~No P. O. V~~
Yn and her best friend schlatt were hanging out on her bed listening to prom dress by mxmtoon
'what was your prom like Nn?' schlatt asks
'I didn't go, moved before I could' she replied
'oh I'm sorry' he apologised
'it's cool I probably wouldn't have gone anyway' she smiled
'why not?' he pushed
'not my scene, ya know. I'd rather not be judged by everyone and I don't see the point in buying a really expensive dress for a high-school dance' she explained, he just chuckled in response.

~~time skip a day or two~~

~~Schlatts P. O. V~~
As I walked down the road with charlie, Ted and Travis, I decided to bring up my idea to ask Yn out
'hey guys, did you know Nn didn't go to prom?'
'one that is very random and really?' charilie replied mocking his freind
'there's a reason I brought it up. I want to make a prom and ask her to it to ask her out and I need help so can you guys help me?' he asked hopeful
Thay all agreed to help because they all shipped it.

We arrived to party city, classy I know
We got streamers lights and other party related things. Then I went to a suit store with Ted whilst carson and Travis went to hobby lobby to get me a poster board for the sign to ask her. Me and Ted walked into the very high class store and I bought some dress pants and a blazer I walked over to the ties and picked Fc tie. We paid and left I went to Walmart and bought some roses. I went to my place and got ready and Ted got madi to get Yn a Fc dress. charlie and Travis got back and stared to set up the 'prom' we had to be quick cos we were gunna hang out in an hour.

~~time skip half an hour~~

I was freaking out now madi wasn't here yet she said she took a d-tour which stressed me out. About ten minutes later everything was ready the poster tha prom the speakers and madi was here she got a corsage and a boutonnière. The dress was beautiful and I can't wait to see her in it. I just smiled to myself

 I just smiled to myself

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~~your P. O. V~~
I knock on the door ready to chill with schlatt. And madi opens the door
'oh hi' I say surprised
'hey follow me, oh and close your eyes' she orders I do as I'm told and follow her
'where's schlatt?' I ask very confused at this point. she doesn't awnser me and just closed a door as we enter a room
'try this on!' she points to a beautiful Fc dress I realise we're in schlatt room.
'go on' she says walking out I walk over to the dress figure out how to put it on and do so 'hey madi, can you help' I shout struggling to close the dress fully she walks in and does it up handing me some matching heels

I put them on and she pulls me out again making me close my eyes still than she let's go of my hand and says I can open my eyes I look around seeing schlatt smiling at me with a sign that says 'prom?' 'well? Will you go to prom with me?' he asks '...

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I put them on and she pulls me out again making me close my eyes still than she let's go of my hand and says I can open my eyes I look around seeing schlatt smiling at me with a sign that says 'prom?'
'well? Will you go to prom with me?' he asks
'yes' I giggle out everyone jumps up shouting 'yes' or 'I ship it' or something else along those lines. I took in how smart and *hot* he looked
'take a photo' he says noticing my staring
'sorry I didn't mean to stare' I laugh and so does he he brings my corsage and madi gives me the boutonnière I pin it to his blazer I smile up to him.
'this one is for the lovers!' Ted shouts putting on a slow song we all laugh as he walks over to madi I smile at them there adorable together
'may I have this dance?' schlatt questions with a small smile on his face
'you may' I reply taking the hand presented to me I put my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist.
'you look beautiful Nn' he compliments
I smile 'not too bad yourself' he just chuckles in response
'you are handsome though' I said making him smile
'hey leave room for jesus' charlie shouts poking in between us with a stick we all laugh now dance I'd with jesus in between us
'thank you' I smile
'for what?' he asks visibly confused
'showing me prom is fun but I feel like it's only fun cos your here' I smile his confusion softens in to a smile
'anytime' he replies moving closer
'whoa what about jesus' I ask jokingly
'fuck jesus' he states swaying against me I smile 'fuck jesus' I say in agreement earning a small chuckle from the sweet man against me I felt so safe I look over his shoulder momentarily and see charlie and Travis dancing along charlie hugging the stick he poked us with.

A couple hours later everyone left me and shlat were sitting next to each other just chilling now.
'thank you for tonight I had alot of fun' I smile
'hey of course, I had fun too' he replies now turned to face me we just looked into each others eyes he looked down at my lips quckily retuning them to my eyes I do the same I didn't realise we had moved towards each other until I felt his breath on my lips
'c-can I kiss you' he asks unsure of what to do not wanting to cross a line. I just nodded my head out lips met and, not to sound cliché but, it felt like fire works and sparks and butterflies. Momentarily the world stoped and waited for us to finish and when we pulled away we stayed close just looking in to one another's eyes 'I- that, that was. Wow.' he says stunned, I just smile in agreement 'Yn will you be my girlfriend?' he asks 'yes' I smile and he brings us in for another kiss.

~~the end~~

I hope you guys liked that and remember to leave requests if you have any. Also if I've splet anything wrong then let me know and any criticism will be taken in to account so anything you wanna say go for it
-skinni pein out 😉😘

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