Was he a criminal?

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              Hey guys! How have you all been? This is my first book. I think you might like it. Give it a try.

Notice: people are restricted from copying any part of the story without the prior permission of the author. All rights are reserved. All the characters are imaginary . The places, names everything. If it matches something in real it is just coincidence. I have no intention of hurting someone's feelings.

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With love


                 Timeline Newspaper

17th april2020:It was solstice,winter solstice,the darkest and the longest winter night.It was cold but there was something different the love and happiness was  present in the cold breeze touching my body making me feel greedy i wanted to breathe that air,the love in that air i wanted to feel.  

Madhyam was always late today he didn't even  turn up,his behavior towards me was strange, which started to break  me from inside. I was walking back home (broken)but my parents were out town.I decided to explore that night alone the darkest and longest night!!.

I came across shabby guy with the prettiest smile and attractive eyes , something  was different about him the spark , i felt that momemt. He was hungry. He asked me for some food,he was not a random beggar, someone i could'nt ignore.  I gave him few breadrolls which i baked for Madhyam. I was curious to know his name !! CURIOSITY KILLED CAT but i wanted to know ,I asked him "what is ur name.,what r u doing here!!why r u in such a shabby condition!!!!".   He said Miss my name is SJ ,21 year old student,i ran out my home and it is my last night.I wanted to enjoy it. Suddenly i see his hand covered with blood a there was a deep cut i took out my handkerchief and tied around his arm to reduce the blood. I asked him  how did it happened he said nothing to worry just a random cut  but i felt something fishy but i ignored  that thing. He was a stranger but i didn't want to leave him alone at this condition. I felt safe with him i didn't even think about Madhyam,all i could see in fromt of me was SJ. He was in pain but their a bright smile on his face!!!

He asked me to join him for a  walk.  He told me about his life, he wanted to be actor even his parents also supported him. His talks was as sweet nd cute like him. It started to snow.The night was very cold....i was shivering,he opened his  jacket and put on my shoulders and covered me, he was truly a gentleman. Their was butterflies in my stomach, the electricity of that spark in my viens, i was in LOVE .Suddenly he shows me gardenand he jumps inside the garden.He was crazy he plucked two red roses and gave one to me and thanked me for helping him.
I was mesmerized with his effort,never in my entire life got roses i was happy!! my decision was right.we were walking down the streets i was surprise to see he took me to the a cemetery he wanted to show me something important.He took me to a grave name  inscripted Arshi Gomes (16th April 2000 - 9th April 2020) he bent on his knees and put the rose on her grave.Their  was tears in his eyes .He said to me today is her 20th birthday but we r not together she me left the world(starts crying))  i and arshi was together since 10years.I hugged him tried to console, he was strong guy indeed.   
Suddenly we heard the police cierne,Inspector stops his van in front of us . SJ was underarrest, i was shocked!! He smile to me and said  "Thankyou Miss.....you are like her like my Arshi" other officer took him inside the van. I asked the inspector whats the matter  everything was blank in front of me.  Inspector said  "Ma'am, he has committed a murder, he has murdered his two professor of his acting school who raped his girlfriend Arshi last week....these two were hidding from the police...Sj found them and he committed this crime,he called us and said  "she got justice sir...they both r dead....u will find me near her cemetry this morning  5am"....he was right but in the  laws eye it cannot be justified. He is a criminal!!!
Sj gifts justice to his Love arshi!!
Sometimes something r not meant to be together!!!
Was he a criminal?

                                             Article By:
                                            Kira Thakur
                                 Editor: Timeline

$J(sankalp jaiswal)

Was he a criminal??حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن