Jamal and The Beanstalk

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"I wonder how far up the bean stalk Jack had to climb before he saw the Giant? And how low were the clouds the day the earth gave way to Heaven?"

A Beginning

(an introduction)

Jamal was always a special kid. Even the Universe agreed. On the day he was born it snowed. Now, for Chicago, snow was nothing special. But you see, the only thing no one could figure out, was how in the middle of August on the hottest day Chicago had seen since 1918, it could be snowing! All summer long it had been hot. Candles suddenly melted with no warning into pools of wax, and every time it rained, the falling water would evaporate before it reached the ground. Today was hotter than that.

"THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIVES. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO DIFFERENTLY?" an old homeless man walked downtown with this sign across his chest.

"Numbers, bottom lines, in the red, mathematical equations...and I hate math!" John Hawkins, an accountant, grumbled to himself while looking outside his window, then suddenly, "I quit! I'm going to India!" he shouted and stormed out the door.

"Yeah, and me too!" Linda Hughes, the front desk secretary, blurted out uncontrollably. Her words surprised even her, "I-I think I'm going to Hollywood...I'm going to be an actor," she smiled and clapped her hands as she grabbed her purse and hurriedly caught the elevator John Hawkins had been holding for her.

"So," John began as he stood with his desk plant under his arm, "what kind of movies you gonna make?"

Elevator music played in the background as Linda thought for a moment.

"I've always wanted to make horror movies. When I was a girl...I had the best scream. Would you like to hear?"

As the elevator neared the bottom floor, those waiting in the lobby could hear it

approach, marked by the shrillest blood curdling scream most had ever heard.


When the doors opened, John had turned pale, and the house plant had drawn up

into its pot.

"Some scream!" John yelled...temporarily deaf in both ears, "I'll think you'll do

great!" he shouted and gave the thumbs up sign.

"Thanks Mr. Hawkins, enjoy your trip," she smiled.

With that many more in the office began to do the same. Suddenly, the entire place

was almost empty with employees who'd realized that if they died today they never would have gone sky diving, told their kids how much they loved them, or even just took a day off.

"Hello love," Mrs. Hawkins answered the phone at her desk at work.

"Huh? What? Yes I remember, but John I'm at work, what does this have to do with...okay, yeah. Going to India?" she said as loud as a muffled outburst could be.

"Oh John...I love you!" she realized aloud, and left work to passionately express her love for her husband...they now have two kids and a dog.

While the rest of the city of Chicago was remembering what it had always wanted to be when it was a kid, and making love, Doretha Bullard was about to give birth to her eldest and only son, Jamal William Bullard. William Bullard, Jamal's dad, was running late as usual.

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