Truth or Dare Cullen Style

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oh my gosh i got a comment I want MORE!!! Greed is soo taken over me. U guys will like this chapter. Some pretty funny stuff (at the end) happens to Ness that causes Edward to EXplode.LOL

Ness POV

Dad actually said that.

"Wow I didn't know that. Well that's a little akward," said Jake.

Dad nodded his head.

Mom rapped her arms around Dad. They looked so adorable. I hoped that Jake and I would look like that in a year or so.

I looked around, Mom and Dad sat next to each other embraced. Alice and Jasper were in each other's lap. Rosalie was leaning against Emmet's leg. They were so couple-ish. But Jake was sitting by me mom's side and I was sitting by Dad's side.

"Well go sit by him then." said Dad.

I walked over by Jake and sat in his lap. He looked at me with surprise then smiled. I smiled back.

"Ok Alice truth or dare" asked Dad.

"Dare no.. truth or dare truth dare truth dare" Alice contradicted.

"Oh just pick one they're both equally horrifing." Dad said annoyed.

" Shush up ... dare. Final answer." Alice desided.

"Ok I dare you to never pick out Bella's outfits again."  Dad settled.

Wow that was a bad one for Alice but I guess that saved Mom from the torture and worry.

"Nooo!' screamed ALice shatttering a vase.

"Get over it you still get to dress the rest of us." muttered Emmet.

"Fine, uhh Rosalie truth or dare.

"Truth Alice." Rose said.

Dad grinned and said," It's Ally Rose not Alice."

We started laughing but then a feeling of embarassment came over us. We all kind of hid behind our hands.

"Ok Rose do you ever hate Emmet?" asked alice.

'Ya of course, whenever he gets kicked out or spoils  something." said Rose truthfully. Not a bit ashamed.

"Aww come on Rose you can't hate all this can you," whined Emmet.

'Noo bab," said Ros.

I blocked my mind TMI TMI TMI TMI! I screamed im my head as I blocked the rest of their words out.

"Renesme you can stop screaming they're done." Dad said.

I wasn't aware I was saying that aloud.

"You weren't." Dad confirmed.

"Now it's Nessie's turn trut or dare."

I kinda wanted to impress Jake and said," Dare."

"Oh now umm I dare you to kiss Jake after every truth or dare. No I dare you to have Jake strip you down to your underwear and bra. Since we're trying to keep this PG13.


truth or dare cullen styleWhere stories live. Discover now