Episode One

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The 15th /04/2019
It was a horrible day , a team of Terrorists Attack The TV –
Station aggressively on live stream , well 20 people was killed and
40 other were injured in that attack , The team warn that their
group members called “UnMasked” have a project to kill the USA
President , also they warn that they have many projects to destroy
ancient American Monuments . Suddenly, a man appeared, wears
a Black Mask in the Stream and says:
-“We are UnMasked ,, We don’t forgive , every one who watch us
in the Live Stream , have to run away … The President is in
danger … The Police , who is waiting for our exit have to left us
If they don’t, there is a bomb in The USA Capital Center will
explode in 15 minutes.
The F.B.I was near the TV – Station, just repeating stupid
intentions:”- Come on! You Have to Surround Or We Will Get on
! “
The Masked answer:” Just 10 minutes left dear Police man “
Arthur the leader of the F.B.I Team Call American Security
Center :” We Have to find that Bomb in 15 minutes Call All New
York Police Stations to get around the center
- Right now Sir!!”
Suddenly A Loud Laugh of the Masked Terrorist:” Well Little
Arthur, You are calling for Help sweetie?
The F.B.I Leader was surprised by what has just heard:” H…OW
he could now my name and the continent of my phone call
The Masked Says :” Well , F.B.I you have to be sure that you lose
that Battle “
Suddenly a shot of RBG surprised the F.B.I Helicopter, Arthur
heard a Sound of tonality like a counter , he says “Oh Shit !! , Run
!!” The Leader run away , suddenly a bomb planted underground
exposed which kill many police mans , the ground was fully with
smoke , Arthur Was in a semi – comatose hearing a cutted
helicopter sound . The UnMasked was escaped in the helicopter

The 16th /04/2019
Arthur turn awake , found himself in the military Hospital suffers
from headaches , a nurse says to him :” Mr Arthur Helinski , you
was very lucky , you were the lone survivor of the last bombing
-“ Hell ! what was happened ?? I just run out of the police car
when a terrible earthquake happens suddenly
-“ Mr Arthur , an underground bomb was planted in your police
Team position which explode while you ran away and kick you
away which make you in a comatose .”
“- Damn ! we really lose the battle , well , we lose it but the flame
of the war didn’t turned off , we have to protect the president and
the country quicker than UnMasked ,, Mrs Can you turn the TV
on please ?
“- Sure Sir , also you will leave the military hospital after 3 days
when your injuries heal
- Our lost was strong , They have to pay !
The News was diffused ,
“ The 15th April 2019 , The massacre of
the United States America , 40 victim and more than 60 civilian
injured in the “UnMasked” Terrorist attack , In Live Stream
Minister of the Interior Mr. John Edovoski talk about The
treachery of the “UnMasked”
“ It was a hard loose for me , for the F.B.I Team also for the whole
American people , we have to be stronger ... m... o......re than th.... the
Away an’ away of that horrible quake , in an unknown place , round a
large table an intelligent Team ,
“ the UnMasked” doing some
-“ Well we have to make a trap for New York Police Station
- Good idea , But how ?
- The Old American Can Is empty , why did we don’t make a trap
there ?
- But it’s For Sale , what shall we do ?
- It’s easy , Bull you have to make a fake ID we’ll give money and buy
the Factory
- Roger That Boss , I just need a UZI or a pistol for defence
- No stupid don’t make noise outside our place will be discovered
- OK like what you want , ill do it
Next day Bull get off is cache , he found a drunk Mature threw him
closer to a cached place , Kill him and get off his identity statistics .
Bull kiss the identity Card Proudly pull his Gloves out left it on the
killed body . He run out the street fully with needed stuff for his fake
identity . Looking for a photographer to his fake ID … finally , he
found one , he take four pictures and get a Call with the drunk
victim’s phone
-“ Hello , Joe ?
- Hello , it’s me Bull I’m back with the whole needed stuff
-Good Job boy , The Liberty Enlightening at my Gulf car the world
be present OK ?
- Roger that …
Well , Bull Take a long time in Transport finally he’s present at NYC
Gulf near The Statue of Liberty .
“-Well You’re planning for bombing this shit monument
- Did you get your new identity ?
- Yup I do
- Well , I’ll Plant some mines there and over there , you have to cover
me ?
- What a hell are you saying , Police is everywhere also this place is
fully with people
- Stupid it’s 1.00 AM no one will take care of you , we are protected
by over twenty sniper on build’s rooftops .
- But the police ? , said Bull
We are UnMasked bro , we gave a bribe to a gang for robbery at the
near bank , also a stupid disappointed gang member will suicide at the
bank , Just Bang Bang police will bust them and , we have a type of
traitor you can say , it’s our spy and our hand …
- That’s acceptable for me , let’s do it carefully !
- I’m wearing a silky suit , we are observed by 5 cameras
- Well ?
- Our Hacker is ready for receiving orders
- I’m really astounded
- Well , let’s go to the Pizzeria to dispel the suspicions then do our
- Bang Bang ! I love it bro
Joe and Bull go to the Pizzeria sitting on a table
-“ What you want sir ? said the waitress
-“ A familial Pizza for both please
- OK sir just a quarter minutes !!
Joe get walkie Talkie from his pocket and said “-Be Ready”
Bull was a little bit confused and stressed just repeating his
intermittent Wishes :” O…h M..y G.o…d I just want surviving”
Joe said strictly :” Bro don’t be a chicken !” And he turn on his walkie
Talkie and say :” Razer Does your gang is ready ?
-Yes Sir ! it’s ready to Kill …
-How does the “suicider” is ?
- Haha he’s down just want die , that’s all !
-That’s good , Our Snipers will support you there …
- Haha that’s awesome Boss our little gang is under The UnMasked
command .
-OK Let’s starts !!
- Go !!
Joe Grab Bull from his hand out the pizzeria , the waitress :” Hey But
Your Pizza ?
-“ No thanks sweetie , Just thanks for opening your pizzeria at 1.00
- Your welcome , said the fascinated women
Joe and Bull get on their car , open the radio at amor station “- The
New York banc is aggressively attacked now , right now there’s an
exchange of fire between the American and the Terrorists .
- Awesome ! said Joe and get again his walkie talkie :” Steve confuse
the cameras of the whole street near the Celebrity statue !
Roger That boss !
- It’s done Boss complete your mission the whole UnMasked relies on
you …
- Ok ill do it …
The two young boys arrived at the celebrity tower , Joe wear his silky
suit get his walkie talkie.
“- Razer !!”
“- Die noob , I killed a police man with pistol headshot haha !! what
you want sir quickly , Hey You run !!!!!
- The Suicider is Ready
- (Bullets sound) Yes sir !
- Explode him right now
- OK , You , disappointed trash go to the middle of the bank
The suicider goes to the bank ground near the door , get shooted with
a douzain of bullets , suddenly Razer laugh and said “ Bang Bang
Loser !!” and click on his remote bottom the killed body fully with
TNT Explose with no mercy !!
“- Go Go ! Said Joe , I heard the Explode sound !!
Joe with his Silky suit , climb putting his invisible mines on the tower
-“ Carefully **** , said Bull if a mine explode we will be shit die”
-“ Just Shut up”
Joe finish his mining after an hour , tries to get to the ground carefully
and quickly , he did it finally ! they get on their car “- Two birds , one
stone yeah babe give me a hi five “
Two younger came back to the UnMasked cache their , the whole
team was clapping … “ Keep Calm and respect UnMasked” The logo
of the team .
At military hospital where sleeps Arthur , 3 days passed and this last
becomes in a good health , he leaves the hospital , back to his work .
-“ What , The NYC Bank was attacked ? how you can say that ??
-“I’m Sorry Sir , That’s the Truth , The attackers were busted and
there was a man who explode himself which destroy a part of our bank
-“ Oh my gash , well ?
-“Let’s inspect with them me , follow me
-OK sir let’s go”
Well , at the prison administration it was a strong surprise . “- How
they get of there ??” said Arthur
“- A presidential amnesty was issued Mr …… Arthur Helinski.
“-God ! when ?”
-“ Last day , it wasn’t diffused on Media”
-“ Can You show me the legal documents of that called presidential
amnesty ?”
-“ I’m Sorry sir that isn’t your career that’s secured”
-“F.B.I There , said Arthur by showing his ID , Show the hell now ! “
-“ O….K Sir quietly
The Administrator Shows a paper To Arthur , “God That’s truth ,
That’s the President signature and the USA seal , Damn, How he could
give the freedom to killers ?!!”
The Administrator still watching Helinski With strange look :” S…ir
a….re you alright ?
-“I’m OK thank you , Take your documents and sorry for disturb”
Arthur and his partner came back to the F.B.I station
:” –Well Let’s investigators inspect the bank , Said Arthur
-“ Yep We well go there now with my investigation team “ said Wuu
At the UnMasked Cache , Joe around his mates , discussing about next
step of there terrorised project
:”- Well we have mined a monument without issues , and Bull get the
ID ; Now we can purchase The Old American Factory and make our
- Well Sir , Razer and his gang are free now … , Our technical
engineer made a fake presidential amnesty skilfully , said
- That’s Awesome babe , Yeah !!
- Sir Also , the seller of the Old American Can is called Sabrina ,
we have the whole statics to be in contact with her , Add Robert
- How old is she ?
- She’s 21 years old
- Well , We need a pretty Boy ... Said Joe
- For ?
- Purchasing The American Can , Then the cute UnMaked Boy
become her cute boyfriend .
- Then ?
- Kill Her in his mined car and quickly left the Car and KuBoom
it explode !
- But The Question is how does the boy can run outside the Car
without Making Noise ? said Robert
- Noob , just watch Mission impossible then you will apprentice
how to do it . said Joe by laughing.     
Sorry Boss , said Robert
- Don’t be sad , We will complete this Trap skilfully . Arthur and
his team will be fired soon haha and sorry Mr Edovoski for the
disturb !

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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